I really enjoy eating food thats light on the stomach.

Everyone has a different appearance, so blindly imitating fashion trends does not make you look better.

There are no shortcuts to success. You have to believe in yourself, and never give up.

There is a lot I need to thank God for, everyday. But I think I am blessed because I have a very loving, understanding and supporting family.

I believe that you need your parents the most. That's the most important thing.

I know many big stars who asked for work when they were out of it.

It is very tough to bring up a child on your own.

There are mothers who sacrifice their dreams for family and feel terrible about it. There are mothers who are career women as well, without being apologetic about it.

No two mothers are the same.

I am genuinely interested in comedy and I know that I have good comic timing as well.

The condition of women in our country is so bad that compared to them I have been through nothing. I have just had a child out of wedlock, but I get to be the face of the independent modern woman. I don't think it is fair.

My problem is that I can do variety of roles.

I posted something on Instagram saying I am looking for meaningful work. At that time, I was sure my daughter Masaba would be angry. She however, reposted it and wrote another beautiful post. She is a very good writer. That post almost changed things for me. I am glad I did what I did.

I can never doubt anyone's capabilities. I feel everyone has a talent which takes time to come out.

We all want to be appreciated. Don't we?

Apart from the money actors earn, it is the love and appreciation that keeps everyone looking forward to do more.

It's important that you are not embarrassed when you try something new.

Masaba has helped me break some taboos, like wearing off-white with white or sneakers with a fancy gown. She's given me the confidence to carry off stuff, which looks nice.

I made '4,000 every month from 'Khandaan.'

I think I don't complain much about cars because I don't drive.

I don't know if any woman is completely happy with the way she leads her life or with the way people treat her.

Men should never be the prime focus of women's life.

As an actor I am prepared for every role, that's my profession.

I want to do comedy and an action role.