Saying that you're too busy, that there's no time left for a workout is just an excuse - one must make time.

I really got into keeping fit during my Miss India days.

I don't go to the gym to become size zero, I go there to be healthy and fit and it shows in my skin and my hair.

It's really important to be honest to yourself.

I keep my skin clean and moisturised. While shooting, my skin has to put up with severe make up and lights for hours at a stretch. So I am obsessive about taking my make-up off as soon as I am done.

We came up with 'No Filter Neha' which means having 'unfiltered chats' with guests as first choice to name the show and then we went on to throw 40 more names but later we thought that first one is the best name and went back to it.

I want to explore all genres.

For me, to be part of 'Maximum' is another feather in my cap.

I would love to have a gadget that can be worn in high heel shoes, so that it doesn't hurt!

On hindsight, I feel I should have given more time to sports. But I really got bitten by the acting bug.

I like to work in cinema everywhere.

When I have time, I would like to do films in my language but I would also like to star in Bengali and Marathi films too.

Even though it leaves me sleep deprived, I love every bit of motherhood.

People think that just because you're an actress, you have to watch your weight and stay slim. While this is true to some extent, fitness is more about health than looking good.

Ever since Sushmita Sen and Aishwarya Rai made headlines, every other girl in India wants to be a beauty queen. I was no exception.

I feel one should do things which pleases them, and my progression into super model then to an actress and now to an entrepreneur is based on this.

Unglee' has a big heart and it is in the right place. It is very different script. It is not all candy floss.

I'm not exclusively into R&B. I like Usher.

I don't want to be one of those actors who sits and regrets her career choices later in life.

Sometimes films don't turn out the way they were envisioned on paper. And when that happens, one must just forget the entire episode.

It's a huge compliment that people continue to cast me in different types of roles believing in me and the fact that I can carry it off.

Julie' is very close to my heart. I have worked really hard for it.

I have always been a huge fan of JLo.

I would love to do a sports biopic. I love sports and I think it would be amazing to be a part of a true story and play an athlete.