Guys never really get over their toys.

I've changed my diet a few times. Now I'm trying to eat more protein. I eat little meals throughout the day. I love food, so I still give myself great meals. Also, when I'm busy, it's easy to lose weight.

There comes a point in your life when you realize how quickly time goes by, and how quickly it has gone. Then it really speeds up exponentially. With that, I think you start to put a lot of things into context; you start to see how huge the world is, and really, the universe.

To this day, I have the most fond memories of some of my old toys.

As a person, Stephen Sondheim is a very funny, very dry and very shy man. I've never witnessed any diva-ish moments, he just always seems so thrilled people are doing his work.

I'm really superstitious.

The biggest myth I'd like to bust isn't about me - it's about musicals. So many people dismiss the entire art form through highbrow snobbery, but I think a lot of those people would be suprised if they actually saw some.

I never thought of myself as a particularly controversial figure.

Musicals aren't two-dimensional froth.

Theatres, stages are dangerous places.

Leona Lewis made some really nice albums.

I like to walk around John Lewis or Selfridges window-shopping.

The only thing I won't eat is swede - I can't bear it.

I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. But then a lady at the youth theatre asked me if I'd ever thought of going to drama school.

You will never, ever catch me at the gym.

How many millions of times have I sung 'Love Changes Everything?' But when I see how it matters to people, it gives me the impetus to rediscover it and remember how lucky I am to have a song like that.

I've heard everyone do 'Bring Him Home' from 'Les Miserables.' When Colm Wilkinson did it, I truly never thought I would hear anyone as good, never mind better.

There's something about the security and warmth of knowing that one person who, whatever happens, will always be on your side.

Les Mis' was an amazing experience, to be in the original cast of 'Les Miserables,' and 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' God bless it that was fantastic, at the London Palladium the biggest theatre in London the most successful show that has ever been at the London Palladium, that was fantastic.

That's what distinguishes the pros from people involved in amateur theatre. You just go out and do it again and again.

The bravery and pioneering of early Hollywood was absolutely incredible.

Having grown up in musical theatre, I know what works and what doesn't.

It is as polar opposite as it comes for the man who was Edna Turnblad in 'Hairspray' to come back as Sweeney Todd.

I saw 'Hairspray' in New York and had one of the best nights I've ever had in the theatre.