I get kinda self-conscious. I don't want to know about my eyebrows. I'm born with them.

I always thought what made 'Beetlejuice' look so great was because it looked like some genius kid made it in his basement.

There is the theory... that you live in two places: You either live in fear, or you live in love.

I used to say no to almost everything because I thought, 'I've got enough dough, I know what I want to do, and I know what I'm capable of.'

If you get a good comedy once a year, man, that's pretty good. I may be pickier than some, but still, there aren't that many movies that are really, truly, honestly that funny.

I liked 'Robocop' because of the director, and it was an intelligent, big-action studio movie.

I'm getting more and more bored with professional sports, but I still watch.

My brothers were tremendous shack builders. My shacks were horrible. My brothers once built a two-story shack from the ground up that was awesome!

I used to work on a survey crew, because my dad was an engineer, but he was also a surveyor.

There's this thin line between knowing something is going to be really hard and saying, 'Yeah, you know, but I still gotta see if I can pull it off.'

Historically, I'm not a great patient when it comes to slowing down.

I never wanted to play the short game.

I'm the seventh child of George and Leona Douglas, and I don't ever remember a time when my father didn't work two jobs. When my mother was going to the grocery, or going to Mass, or trying to take care of seven kids in a run-down farmhouse.

From the time I was a kid, I was crazy about anything having to do with the West. I'd look at all of these photos of Montana, and they all seemed so magical and majestic. I just wanted to go west, and I finally did it when I was barely 21. I went off to volunteer at a Navajo reservation in New Mexico.

Generally, I move in the direction of art.

If I'm going to meditate, there is a little church up in Montecito, California. It's an old Spanish mission, actually. I find it comforting in there.

I liked going to Catholic school.

I don't want dogs that have had the personality trained out of them. It's a partnership. I want to connect.

I read that John Hughes script for 'Mr. Mom,' and I thought, 'This guy is a funny writer.' I went: 'You ought to stick around and direct this thing.' But he didn't; he left, and look what he became. A really legendary comedy director.

David Letterman used to say, 'I wasn't the class clown, but I wrote for him,' and that's exactly it. You want to be known to be funny without having it pointed out.

I don't think there's anybody better than Leonardo DiCaprio, and I've been saying that since before anyone knew who he was.

Anesthesia is quite remarkable. It's lost time. And you wake up kind of refreshed.

Filmmaking is the ultimate team sport.

In the household in which I was raised, the themes were pretty simple. 'Work hard. Don't quit. Be appreciative, be thankful, be grateful, be respectful. Also, never whine, never complain. And always, for crying out loud, keep a sense of humor.'