I'll always stand by the first 'Batman'. Even for its imperfections, people will never know how hard that movie was to do. A lot of that still holds up.

The first feature film I did, when I did 'Night Shift,' I improvised quite a bit because I would improvise at the audition, so sometimes I would return to the original lines, and then when I was on set, I would improvise even more.

Chris Guest movies are funny.

I try to not be or associate with elitists.

Technology, you know. I'm pretty horrible. I use it, but mostly I like to view it from afar. But I'm still fascinated by it.

No, I don't see many movies. I don't even see my own movies.

I'd get scripts and think: 'What's the point of this?'

Actors will say 'yes' to anything.

'Birdman' is a very risky movie. I knew I wanted to do it just from watching Alejandro's other work. I told a friend, 'I would have done it based on 'Amores Perros' alone.'

In our family, my brothers and I shared toys. In other words, just because it was mine didn't mean my brothers and I didn't play with it.

I guess I'm probably a Method actor; I don't know... I just think of it as staying in the zone.

I was never a huge 007 fan, but I sure liked Sean Connery. I'm sure Pierce Brosnan is good and has his moments, but I've not seen him; I've only seen bits and pieces on TV, so I can't really judge. Pierce looks very natural in the role.

There're only a few photographers I've ever felt really comfortable with.

To say directing was a long-stewing ambition doesn't cover it. If you cut me open, you'd see it.

I went through a lazy period.

We had four guys in the family, so somebody was always hitting somebody or chasing somebody or getting mad or fighting or wrestling - that was just what you did. So when you're the youngest, it's good for you. You figure out real early how to get out of headlocks and holds.

Colbert makes me crazy: he's so funny. Plus, he seems like an extraordinarily decent dude.

I choose not to be at the whim of others. I want to be at my own whim.

I still really like newspapers. I'm gonna feel really sad when they go. Or not - maybe I'll be dead.

I took my play very seriously, and I got way, way lost in my play world.

I think one reason I really like women and like working with women is because of my sisters.

I always think that I'm not going to be right for a movie or that there's someone else who can do it better.

I'm just shocked and thankful that I've gotten away with everything - experimenting here, trying at this, failing at that, being good in some things, not so good in others. It's kind of amazing that people are still sticking by me. When they come up to me in the street, I just want to write them all cheques.

Weirdly, for someone who wanted to be funny, I didn't like a lot of attention.