I've got a statue of St. Francis in my front yard, and I'm not even a practicing Catholic.

Will Ferrell makes me laugh a lot when he gets out there and gets crazy.

You don't get bored with stuff like 'Birdman.'

Chris Nolan is great, but I've never seen any of the 'Batman' movies all the way through. I know they're good. I just have zero interest in those kinds of movies.

I didn't go to church all the time, just 'cause I was an antsy kid.

I have a lot of energy, and I move around a lot in my club act.

Anyone can be a celebrity now; this is not a big deal anymore.

Unless you're flat out dead, you have to think of some other questions like: what's on the other side? It brings up issues of God, or no God. How does he play into this? Or he, or she, or it? How does it all play into this?

There just is not one person in my family who is not funny.

I was raising a child full time, sharing the responsibility with his mom. He lived with me half the time, so I chose not to go away and make certain movies.

I played a lot of sports when I was a kid so I get in that ballgame mindset of being really, really respectful, but at same time saying to yourself, 'Don't back down a single inch, hang with these guys if you can.' If they throw it high and tight you have to stand in there, you can't take yourself out of that moment.

I saw 'Wild,' and I thought, 'Wow, this is a lot of things, but one of the things is it's a therapist's dream and a climate-change denier's nightmare.'

I'm usually pretty good in front of a live audience. I usually like that.

There are very few jobs where you're held up to public scrutiny.

One thing my mother had a nose for was inauthenticity.

There are times when I consciously give the character something physical - a walk, the way he sits, how he talks, or his lack of physicality, which is like a physicality.

If you're a dope like me, you get every sports channel you can get. I'm watching, you know, Netherlands soccer.

Have I ever been to a party with a ton of famous people in it? Yes, several times, so I guess that's a Hollywood lifestyle.

'Beetlejuice' was a romp, man. 'Beetlejuice' was fun. I've never had so much fun in my life.

My work is distinct and definitive and specific, and hopefully it is so that every single character is different, and they are - but there's probably an underlying element that's me.

I was a really involved dad - not because I'm such a wonderful person. I like being a dad.

I reached a point where I didn't think I was that great. I'm not being humble. I was looking at things and thinking: 'You're not really good in that'. I think I was becoming boring as well as bored. It was nobody's fault except mine - probably - and it might not even be my fault.

I worked at a PBS station called WQED in Pittsburgh.

Actors don't get to be well-known if they're horrible.