We all want approval.

I'll do anything to make my kid laugh.

As a kid growing up in Chicago, I've been shot at before. I remember I very calmly went down on the ground. Afterwards, you're like, 'Omigod.' You just don't have time to think.

Every time I said, 'Man, I'm doing CHiPs,' 100% of the time they would ask, 'Is Erik Estrada going to be in it?'

You have to work on your own thing. You have to work on yourself, and you have to bring something to the game.

A lot of Americans don't really leave the country.

There's a bigger percentage of good cops than bad cops. But the bad cops should be penalised like regular people.

Marvel just does things differently.

I grew up in the ghetto, and the thing is when there were problems, I knew when to get away.

I thought of myself as an individual ever since I was little.

Actors love the big speeches and love to be the center of attention. I mean, that's why we do it.

It would be great to play Cesar Chavez. That would be an interesting role for me.

Kicks to the legs, they're not very cool. They're brutal.

I think writing is the most underrated thing in Hollywood.

It's so interesting to watch Ben Stiller work because he just knows what's funny.

I've always noticed that girls cry way easier than guys do.

I used to tour with this band. I was a drummer. I would tour a bunch for about 10 months out of the year and act for about two months. I would make what I needed from acting and would stretch it out.

I grew up reading the newspapers, mostly the sports section. I was a wrestler and would check to see if I was ranked.

I want to find my own rhythm and style. That's probably the harder way to approach it, but I think it will pay off in the long run.

Paul Rudd has a very specific brand of humor.

A shootout is a shootout. You go in and get the bad guys.

When I first set out to do it, I wanted to be a working actor, and now it seems like it's superseded even my dreams.

One of my first real parts was 'Crash' - that won the Oscar.

My understanding, when I think of immigration, is like... you know, this country was built on immigrants: the German, the Polish, the Italian, the Jewish, the Russians, the Eastern Europeans. So, all these people came in, and I don't know who decided like, 'No, that's it! There's a cap on it! No more people.'