I was in really good shape after I finished this movie, 'End of Watch.'

I don't know about you, but for me, if I got to present any kind of award, I'm shaking in my pants.

I didn't know too much about 'Ant-Man.'

Seth Rogen told me to read 'Preacher,' and 'Preacher' was amazing.

I'm super grateful, and whenever somebody offers me something, and I'm doing it, I always try to give 110%.

Sometimes it's good to be naive.

I used to live off of nothing.

I loved WWF as a kid.

'End of Watch' was 98-percent written, and I work really hard to make it look like it's the first time I'm saying it.

I'd love to work with Woody Allen.

I went to a prep school in Chicago, and my dad and mom worked really hard - even though we lived in the ghetto - to get me to there. A lot of it had to do with 'Stand and Deliver' and 'Dead Poet's Society.' It does help you. It inspires you. It definitely did for me.

You know, one of my favorite movies that inspired me and got me started was 'Dead Poet's Society.'

All the guys at Marvel are really passionate, and they love entertaining folks, and they really think about the story, and there's a lot of thought that goes into that.

What's funny isn't really me. What I do is point out what I find funny in others.

I'm an American, and I live pretty well. But go down to Mexico, and a lot of people really don't. So what, we're going to blame them for trying to get out?

There's an immigration problem in every country that has money, in that people there have a problem with immigration.

There are certain people you don't have to worry about on set.

There's a certain weird something. I'm always nervous when I spar. You learn it's going to hurt, but it's only going to hurt for a little bit. It brings out the animal in you to an extent. You learn what you can take.

You can think you know somebody. But when they're trying to punch you in the face, you really know somebody. You learn their tendencies.

I've been an actor for 20 years, and I think the first 14 years, it was all struggling. At first, it was all gangsters.

I am not afraid to play Latin roles - that was a big part of my life.

You have to make your choices however you see fit and just keep your integrity as best you can.

I was in L.A., like, four months, and I got my first part. Then I was like, 'OK, I'm staying.'

I think about where I grew up and how I grew up: my dad was making $25,000 a year. Taking a chance wasn't really taking a chance. It was like you were going for something better. To me, there wasn't that much risk involved.