For me, beauty comes from natural happiness. I think that a woman glows, and a man, even, when they're healthy and they're happy.

For me, the director is the most important thing. He is steering the boat. If you don't trust him, you won't be able to give him your all.

I love action films, and to be able to put together 'Silver Hawk' was so exciting.

For an actress, everything is always fine - you are looked after, you have your trailer, and everything provided. But the crew are the ones out there in the wilds all the time, hours before and after us.

It's very important for us all to understand that we are interconnected and we need to hold hands together, especially when the going gets tough.

We have to make movies where we do not think this is for the American market or this is for the Chinese market. We have to make a good movie that anyone would just want to sit down and watch because love, language, culture transcend everything.

I kick and punch quite hard, and it surprises people.

I want to be there for all those who are left behind in this world, whether it's because they are born poor, born a woman, or born in an area affected by devastation.

Sometimes when I'm on the phone, someone will say, 'Yes, Mr. Yeoh.' And I'm thinking, 'I'm not Mr. Yeoh, man.'

Action shouldn't just be seeing all those crashes. You can blow up a cathedral; next time you blow up the Great Wall of China, and then what? But when you're in love with your characters, the smallest action becomes an important action.

I gravitate towards roles where women find strength in very difficult, uncompromising situations but maintain clarity in mind, discipline at heart, and a certain strength in spirit.

This world belongs to all of us, and all sexes should be able to live in respect and harmony.

If you read a lot of Chinese literature, there has always been very strong women figures - warriors, swordswomen - who defended honor and loyalty with the men. So, it's not new to our culture - it's always been very much a part of it. It's good that now the Western audience would have a different image of the Chinese women.

Body language is more fascinating to me than actual language.

To be a geisha, you have to have to an iron-clad layer around you - around your physical body and your heart.

When you love someone, you don't try to change them.

It can only be true love when you enable your other half to be better, to be the person they're destined to be.

I'm not a fashion victim, and I don't closely follow trends. I dress the way I feel comfortable because, at the end of the day, you have to be comfortable.

I thoroughly enjoy a good hot bath. That is my ultimate luxury.

I have people who love me and people that I love and a man that I love. So in that sense, I feel that I'm pretty well rounded.

A good director is like a good coach. You want to play for him. You want to really show him your good stuff. You don't want to let that person down. Ridley Scott is one of those guys.

The only time that I really go on Twitter is to promote, because what sucks is there's some weird trolling going around. Even if you are well-intentioned, there's some mean people behind a keyboard.

I used to love those movies, back in the day, like 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'Friday the 13th,' 'Rosemary's Baby' and 'The Shining.' I really liked those kind of movies, and I wanted to be a part of one of those kinds of movies.

My brother and my father both got laid off around the same that I was starting to do this movie 'Chavez.' And at the same time, it was when all the bailouts were happening.