It's funny when you follow your own sort of bliss, then other people tend to respond in kind, meaning audiences. It's really weird how that works, but it does seem to apply to 'Nancy & Beth' especially.

I kind of connected the dots, like, 'Oh, we're just saying stuff. We're just saying things that make sense, so let's just say them like you say them in real life.' It was my first and one of my only acting lessons 'cause I never really studied acting.

I think theater is more about living and breathing, versus TV, which can vary.

I don't know other couples that work together a fraction as much as Nick and I do. We met in a play, and we've done TV and movies, and we just did 'Annapurna,' our off-Broadway show, and we've done theater together several times, so it's just a little bit of everything.

You can't really be super conservative and continue to keep your audience, but at least the audience that we attract comes with a certain level of naughtiness.

I certainly have gay friends, but I don't remember thinking, 'Oh my God, I have this friend, and they're gay, and that's so cool.' I mean, I was very naive until I got to a certain age.

I had a lot of friends for a long time who were gay, and I didn't even realize it for awhile. Even in my mid- to late 20s, I was still pretty naive about it.

My mom was extremely supportive of me, but it could err on the side of... I mean, there's supportive, and then there's just full-on over-hovering.

I'm a big hit with guards at security. They're the center of my fan base, the airport security guards.

You can really shoot things you think might work on camera one way, then you can try it that way, and then if you think it could also work another way, you have that luxury of shooting a bunch of different steps, and then they can decide in editing what works the best.

Multi-camera's fun because you have the immediacy of the audience and just being able to tell the story more or less straight through. The thing I like about single-camera is that you have the luxury of shooting a lot of different options.

I love creating new characters that are whatever they are.

I can understand everybody associates me with Karen, but beyond that, I think after time passes and a few years go by, that sort of becomes a non-issue. That character is far - I mean really, all the characters I've played are pretty far away from what I'm really like.

All the writers on our show went in and got in the bed and took a picture in Cher's bed, even though she was never in it.

I always thought, 'Oh, Cher seems so cool. If I ever met her, I know we'd be best friends.'

Nick hasn't seen me naked - I'm not a person who's constantly flinging my clothes aside and strutting about.

Karen will never die. Max Mutchnick, one of the creators of the show, has always maintained that Karen is a bat who balls up and hangs from a rafter and sleeps during the day and that she'll live forever.

I get deep into the creative aspect, and Nick is the people person.

Nick can get up on stage and just wing it, whereas I would have to be taken to a mental institution.

Nick's just from this very Norman Rockwell-ish family. They're very 'American Gothic,' and his parents are so kind, and they're not brash people; they're very soft spoken, salt of the earth.

At first, people were like, 'I've discovered something - you guys are married!' I was like, 'Yeah, that's not a secret. We've been married now already for many years.'

A lot of young people think it all comes to a screeching halt once you're 32. But it really doesn't.

If we're ever seen having a public spat in a coffee shop, I think the concept of romance will die.

Speaking theoretically, in a completely made-up world where 'Will & Grace' is coming back to NBC for 10 episodes - just in that made-up world - it couldn't be a better time. I think more so now than even when we started! And who would have ever - I mean, it's heinous that it's because Donald Trump is the president-elect.