We had a gay marriage on 'Will & Grace' in 2000, 2001. And I was like, 'Gay marriage?' I mean, it was just really early.

Nick gets carsick if he's not driving - plus, he's basically a walking atlas. He can drive around any city without a map, which works out fine for me because I just become our entertainment director and pick out which audio book we'll listen to next.

You should definitely stay true to your own style.

Nobody knew if the pilot would even get picked up because it had two gay lead characters, which has never happened before. And now every show has at least two gay characters, if not many more.

There's kind of a double standard: if a musician decides they want to act, everybody falls over themselves. But if you're an actor and you have a band, everyone's, 'Ugh, disgusting! It's a vanity project.'

I married the reigning mustache champion.

One year at the SAG Awards, somebody practically knocked me over, and it was Helen Mirren. She was like, 'Oh my God - is it really you? I'm your biggest fan.' I was like, 'Wait, aren't you supposed to be home reading Shakespeare or something?'

Nobody knows I sing. Even though I've done Broadway musicals. I would only pick it over acting because it's such a pure form of emotional expression.

People are always flabbergasted, like, 'You sing?'

All I know is Karen is besties with Donny and Melania.

I secretly had this name 'Nancy and Beth' come into my mind, and I thought, 'Oh my God, that's such a funny, interesting, weird name for a band.'

He proposed, in London, in 2002.

During 'Will & Grace,' we had so many things we had to go to where you get all dolled up. It's like pulling teeth for me.

Isn't that sort of what happened with gay marriage? Right before gay marriage was legalized, everybody was just losing their minds and, like, the worst possible things were happening, and it was just all like it couldn't get any worse, and then it suddenly got a lot better.

I started 'Will & Grace' when I was 39, and Nick started 'Parks and Rec' when he was 39. And he's really on the same trajectory; it's all happening with the same timing. It's so funny to see it all happening again.

We're both big Glen Campbell fans - it's one of the things that united us in eternal love.

We have a two-week rule. We're never apart for more two weeks. Just not being separated for Jurassic periods of time seems to help. And no children probably helps a lot.

Nobody's ever kept their sitcom character going after the show's off the air.

Actors talking about themselves. Nothing better!

Karen is like RuPaul - she's a character. It never occurred to me until now, but she is!

We already do a couple numbers with chairs - chairs being a classic, Bob Fosse-ish, showbizzy prop, but the punk element is that it's just me and Stephanie and this funky band from Austin.

There were some articles written about our marriage, mythologising it, making it into the greatest love story ever told.

Selling a band predicated on nothing is always an interesting proposition, and of course, the fact of the matter is that I really started out in music before I ever acted, and I've done a ton of singing.

I had been watching the Emmys since I was probably 5 years old. Those shows, when you're a kid, it all seems like such a big, big deal, and only special certain people would win one of these big things like a Tony or an Emmy or an Oscar.