I tend to let the chips fall where they may. I don't know if that's right or wrong.

Why can't I ever play a nice, normal, salt-of-the-earth type? Is there something I should know? It's fun to play villains and character roles, of course - but I'm sure it's also fun to be a really big star and play the lead in everything, where all you have to do is show up and not blink.

Nick is 11 and a half years younger than I am, so his mom is only, like, 11 or 12 years older than me. I didn't call her Mrs. Offerman because that would be weird because we're, like, the same age, so I think I went straight to Cathy, but there's a mom element, and his parents are so great.

We met in April of 2000, and we weren't really an official couple until June or July. His family has a fishing trip they go on every year in Minnesota, so he had invited me to go and meet his whole family. There was, like, no cell phone service at the time; people were using those giant cordless phones that looked like a brick.

Karen was always such a lawless rebel: carrying a gun in her purse, flirting with 14-year-old boys. She's the worst. You know that horrible guy Milo Yiannopoulos? She has about as many redeeming qualities as he has.

I've always been a late bloomer, so I never feel like, 'Oh, I'm gettin' older; I guess everything is gonna stop.' I'm the opposite: 'Oh, I'm just getting started.'

Woody Harrelson played a long-term love interest of Debra Messing's; I think it was for a whole season. They almost cast Nick in that part. They almost had given to him. But at the eleventh hour, Jim Burrows put in a call to Woody, and he said he would do it.

I always hear some couples can't work together, and I don't get that. We have the most fun when we're working together.

I lived in Chicago in the early '80s and did a ton of theater, and then Nick lived there in the '90s and did a ton of theater. Then we both moved to L.A. and did a ton of television.

Madonna was very cool. I thought she was really nice, really present, and she worked really, really hard... She didn't necessarily know our real names in real-life, because why should she? Who cares? Some of the cast were really offended, like, 'She doesn't even know my name!' I'm like, 'Who cares? Madonna's doing our show. It doesn't matter.'

Nick has said he would divorce me if I got Botox.

I never had a burning desire to have children. But then I met Nick, and I thought, 'This is the only person I'd do this with.' So we tried, but I was a little long in the tooth for that sort of thing. But we didn't turn it into a soap opera. We tried for about a year or so, and it didn't happen and took that to mean it wasn't meant to be.

In real life, there's nobody more out than Sean. It was just in the press that he didn't want to say one way or another. I think he just felt it was nobody's business, but I feel like he came to it in his own time.

I used to watch 'ER' a little bit when it was at its kind of apex.

Playing Karen was so satisfying that it almost cured my acting bug completely. Not that I had conquered the world of acting. It was just that I had something to prove to myself when I started Will & Grace. Now I feel like, okay, well, I've satisfied that.

There's sacrificing for your art, and then there's just being dumb.

I think of myself as a character actress, and Karen's just one of the characters I've gotten to play, but I feel like Karen takes on so much more weight because the show was on for eight seasons, and it was such a popular show. But you have to move on to telling another story in a different world.

People who have theater or sketch-comedy backgrounds seem to be more, you know, our speed. Like Amy Poehler and Will Arnett - we double date.

I typed up a long email with different band name ideas and sent it to Stephanie, and they all started with 'the'.

People find it confusing I'm in a band, even though music was my main thing before acting.

My favorite thing to do is just stay home with the dogs and read or watch movies and be together.

That's all you ever want - to do your job well enough that people on the other end are happy.

The ratio of celebrity divorces is probably about the same as non-celebrity divorces; it's just that the non-celebrity divorces don't get a lot of public scrutiny, normally.

Theater is great because you're able to tell a narrative arc without a break. I think it's more about the material and whether what we get offered is good.