I've just started to get really envious when I go into people's houses and see books on a shelf.

There's so much crap attached to acting: the fame aspect, the ego aspect, the 'Am I good, am I bad, am I being judged, who likes me, who doesn't like me...'

Nobody engages in a film, regardless of what your job is in it, to make a bad one.

I felt very fulfilled after doing 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' because I'd always wanted to work with Woody Allen. That was like a lifelong dream, and that was thrilling for me, to enter that world.

A lot of people go through life trying to perform normalcy, and I think you can relate to that.

Anyone who commits an act of violence to themselves or others is worth consideration in the sense that there must be something that brought them to that point, whether it's a mental health issue or otherwise.

It's not often you get female characters who don't fit into a box.

I don't have regular TV; I have Apple TV, so I pick what I watch, which is perhaps not a good thing. I read all the big publications and also listen to a lot of podcasts.

I've worked on so many films where the script is one thing and then, somewhere down the line - on set, sometimes - it changes, and there's zero I can do about it.

There is no way of knowing if a film is going to be good.

We all relate to having highs and lows. Everyone gets depressed.

I want to try to make difficult people somehow relatable.

You have to start from a place of trying to create a character.

I don't believe that all actors should end up being directors.

For better or worse, I don't necessarily categorize myself as a method actor; I'm not going to make claims that I stayed in character 24/7.

If you imagine yourself to be someone who is very uncomfortable in their own skin, then it does funny things to your voice.

The voice is always the starting place for me with a character.

Yes, I'm a complete itinerant. I keep making attempts not to be, but then circumstances make me uproot and go somewhere else again. It's not the worst thing in the world at all; I love it. In fact, I'm probably horribly addicted to it.

If I could be a musician, I'd do it. I love singing.

I think I have a job, which is to present a character in a story and entertain you and divert you with my work - that's it.

At some point, you have to be willing to accept other people's opinions. I think that's helpful.

The kind of films I want to make are struggling to get made. And if they are getting made, they're getting made on shoestring budgets with not enough time.

The last thing that scared me... it was probably something stupid, like when someone jumped out at me, or I thought my new dog had gone to the toilet underneath my piano. Lots of silly things.

Some of my acting heroes have built careers on playing characters who do horrendous things - they're repellent and lovable. They're not likable, but they're lovable. I think Christine is one of those characters.