You have to be really strong in the music industry, and I'm naturally very timid. That was really hard for me. You have to be tough. You have to make decisions and be a businesswoman.

Growing up, we didn't have anything. My mum wasn't well, so I was in three care homes then foster homes before me and my little brother went back to her. I was passed from pillar to post.

I took lessons since I was little; I used to pay for my own singing lessons and take myself. Just take the bus when I was a kid and go. But I'd been writing music for years, since the smallest age.

The aim for me is to have a long career. I've got a couple of kids, and so I can't really be a fashion because I have to sustain a life for my children.

My advice is, if you are going to go on 'X Factor,' you have to know who you are as an artist.

If you are not happy with the song, don't sing it. Simple as that - no-one forces you to do it.

I think being a mum gives you extra qualities. I'm more feisty, fiercely protective and less selfish. The main trait I want to instill in my kids is kindness. I think it's the most important thing. If you're kind, you'll go a long way.

I love getting dressed up.

I've always been interested in beauty. I studied it when I was 16 and 17, and I know it's a good idea to invest in something alongside my music.

I am lucky in that I love what I do, but it can still be hard to be away from the kids for long lengths of time. At the end of the day, all I want is to be with my kids, but it's worth it to create a future for my family.

A lot of negative stuff has happened to me - that's why I'm tough - but I don't want people to be like, 'Oh, poor Becky,' because I'm not a victim.

I knew I could sing. That one thing I did believe in was that I could sing, but then constantly getting rejected, it started to get me down. But my voice was always there and my dream and my ambition was always there when I went through bad times.

My family are too grounded, and I will go home to visit. I always need my dose of Liverpool to keep me grounded.

I remember sitting on a bench in New York and sobbing and realising that my ambition to be a singer was making me selfish - I was a mother with two children, and I needed a backup plan.

I love L.A. I'd move there tomorrow if I could.

Sometimes I won't put a lot of make up on; I won't put foundation on. I'll just pop a bit of blusher on. I'm not obsessed with trying to look like a Victoria's Secret model - it's real life.

I'm not afraid of a rant, am I? I've got to that point where I've just become a woman; I think I've just grown.

I'd definitely like more kids when I'm older. And I think I'm like every woman in that I'd like to get married one day.

I'm one of these people who tries to look for the good in people, but I've learnt that, actually, no, some people fundamentally just are not nice.

If you haven't got love, you've got nothing.

I've just grown as a person, accepting my flaws as well. Before I was very insecure and I used to just hide, and now I just accept that I'm an imperfect human.

I absolutely love Nicole Scherzinger. She's worked really hard to get to where she is and really knows her stuff.

I think jazz has given me freedom with my voice.

I can't watch my first audition because it makes me too upset. I just think it is really sad. I look at myself and don't recognize myself. I do think fame and fortune changes people.