I don't really read books. Wish I did.

If you are going to survive in business, show business or any business, then you have to be bold.

I was naive in that I thought I could just sing and perform and do what I had always wanted to do all my life. But I wasn't ready for all the added dramas that came along. There were times I fell out of love with music and thought about walking away. I thought I was happier when I was that girl at home in my bedroom singing into my hairbrush.

My first album is a lot of my personal experiences. I wanted people to relate to what I've been through.

It wasn't until my late teens that I really got into soul music and then I was like 'Ooh, this is good!' You'd always here it at old family parties, like, Gladys Knight and I'd always love it but I didn't really get to know it and respect it until I was a bit older.

I'm a better writer than I am a singer, and I express myself easily through writing.

I think there's definitely a dance album or at least single in me somewhere. I would want to work with a really cool Ibiza DJ, though.

I've got a running machine which I try and use, but it's just finding the time. Don't get me wrong, I love cake and ice cream; I'm the kind of girl that, if I want something, I'll have it.

I like Marilyn Monroe; she was super glam, weren't she?

I think, even in society, people get so caught up in how they look. I think I let that go, and I've learnt to not care.

I like Sam Bailey - she's got a huge voice.

When you're recording classic songs, you've got to kind of make them your own, and you can't always worry about what people are going to think.

I was really good at manicures, facials and make-up.

I've been hugely inspired by the songwriting of Lauryn Hill and Tracy Chapman - on their albums, they really tell it like it is.

I love hats and winter is the perfect time for them. I love winter time fashion.

I'd gone from being a mum to all of a sudden having people fussing and overly pampering me. It can easily change you.

What I hated then - and hate now - is the way that people say to girls like me who get pregnant young that it ruins your life. Having a child doesn't ruin your life - having a child is a blessing.

There's this culture where we celebrate people snapping back into shape a week after the birth, but I don't want to be one of those people - I just want to enjoy Arabella.

Some people won't like me; that's just human nature. I battled with that for years, trying to please people, but now I haven't got time to win people over! I've got nappies to change!

I don't tend to lie. If I do, it's a little one. Like, 'I'm only around the corner...' when really I'm 10 minutes away.

The first time I had money, I was extravagant, but then you realise it's not just about that. If I lost it all tomorrow, it wouldn't be me that's hurt, it would be my babies. It would be more about people's opinion of me that would concern me.

I like listening to old soul music. I like Sam Cooke. When I was growing up, the first things I was listening to was Whitney Houston and Cher. They were really big inspirations for me.

I'm able to provide for my family and the people that I love with things that I never used to be able to. I'm getting to make music and work with amazing people. I just feel really lucky.

I think this industry can be tough on everyone. You have to surround yourself with supportive people and know when to put your foot down and do what's best for you and your family. The first few years in the music industry can be a steep learning curve, and I've definitely developed a thicker skin!