We have two older brothers and two younger sisters; Sam and I are in the middle, and I've always felt protective and closest to him.

I can do an OK manicure, but I need to stick to singing.

I was looking for something to make me happy, and once I realised what I actually had, then I found success.

You meet someone, you care for them, and you fall in love; it's what it is.

I still got my hair, I'm not fat.

Well, I'm a 14 handicap. Anyone who golfs knows what that means.

The only thing I miss from the sitcom format is that immediate gratification of when you're, if we're talking about comedy, of the live audience.

I don't think men talk as much as women, but when we have something on our minds we'll get it out.

I don't want to say work is who I am, but some people feel more centered and more whole when they're producing and creating.

I lived at home till I was 29.

I just don't want to play the same guy again over and over.

I have this mistress: show business.

I live in L.A. Now.

I've always wondered, what am I going to do that's important with these stupid jokes that I tell.

It's my insecurity that makes me want to be a comic, that makes me need the audience.

It seems to be a common denominator with a lot of comics, this low self-esteem thing.

You don't want to shock them and do something totally opposite, but you also want to play a different character.

I have the show because I'm insecure. It's my insecurity that makes me want to be a comic, that makes me need the audience.

If I'm really considering doing film from now on then that is the smart thing to do, or you can go either way. You can just do the same character over and over again and make a different comedy like over and over again.

I would get my student loans, get money, register and never really go. It was a system I thought would somehow pan out.

The best comedy, I feel, comes in a drama because it balances each other out.

I think that as actors age, the work becomes more organic to them.

I just go to work, come home. And my wife lets me throw my clothes on the floor, and she doesn't say anything, so I must be making some money.

I love standup and I haven't given it up.