No one has approached me about Captain Marvel. But I don't know if I'd even want to play Captain Marvel. I would much rather play a villain and be nasty. It's more fun.

I'd never put all my chips anywhere, because I don't want to close any doors, but I was raised in a very blue-collar family. I was raised by parents who said, 'If you don't go to work every day, you're not contributing', so that's my mentality. I have to work every day; I have to bring home a paycheck.

I'm a bit insane when it comes to doing my own stunts and getting down and dirty. It's fun, you know? It's things I wouldn't normally do in my real life, so when I go to work and get to beat people up and shoot guns and get waterboarded, those are things I find completely interesting.

I famously had a huge television producer say to me one time, 'Can you please stop doing that to your face? It's very distracting and unattractive.' And I was like, 'You mean move it? Okay, sorry, I guess we're not going to work together.'

My mom always said, 'Marry someone smarter than yourself, Katee, because No. 1, you're not that smart. And No. 2, then you'll have smart babies.'

I think God's wrath and purgatory are the only things keeping me on the straight and narrow. I like the idea of purgatory. It's like a cosmic do-over.

It's interesting, the things you learn when you're 21. I learned never to get tattoos in the middle of shooting a movie. Because if you're not Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox, they will fire you.

I think every character I play has a physicality to them, so I have to stay in some sort of shape. I'll never be a size two. And I don't want to be a size two.

Some of the craziest people I've met, in my life, are some of the most brilliant people I've met.

I am tired of women playing action heroes like men, because they are not men. But sometimes they are written like men.

I love playing these characters that are crazy tough, though. Because I am not in real life. Not at all.

I grew up in Oregon so I grew up around reservations, so I've always kind of had this knowledge. Not a tremendous amount of knowledge, but an outsider's knowledge of what reservation life was like.

I get recognized so much. It happens mostly when I'm in Starbucks.

Science fiction fans are awesome - they love you so much that they'll watch anything you do, even if it's complete crap. I never dreamed that I would go to conventions and sit down and have coffee with a Klingon. It's so weird, but it's my life.

I'm more of a thriller-horror fan - things that could really happen. I don't like scary movies, the 'Saw' movies scare the crap out of me - I think I've seen two of them and I wanted to go crawl in a hole.

I grew up watching science fiction and action movies. I love it. I absolutely love it!

You know, I like to think that I'm a really strong, tough person, but I'm not. I'm a very, very needy person. I'm very insecure. I'm very impressionable.

The work environment on 'Battlestar Galactica' is unbelievable, and it's something that doesn't come along very often.

As long as people want to see me do this action and sci-fi stuff, it would be wrong of me to deny the fans what they want to see.

If a character is supposed to be hated, my goal is to make her the most hated person on the show.

Seth Green, he and I are trying to figure out how this all came about. Because we don't remember what came first, the chicken or the egg, no pun intended. But I don't remember what came first, 'Robot Chicken' or our friendship, because we've known each other for so long.

As far as acting goes, you get to a certain point where, I think, everyone can do the job, and it comes down to a level of commitment. I think sometimes all you have to do is show up.

As people, right now, we're so over-stimulated in this world that I don't know what I'd do in Wyoming. I really don't know what I'd do. I would probably have a heart attack because I'd be so lonely, and I'd actually have to listen to myself think. That's a terrifying prospect for myself, and I'm sure many other people as well.

I was addicted to the original 'Star Trek' when I was growing up, because of my dad. We grew up in St. Helens, Oregon and we weren't allowed to watch a lot of TV.