I absolutely have not spoken to Marvel. It doesn't mean that my team hasn't spoken to Marvel.

I read YA novels constantly, so I really want to be in a young adult rom-com, but I worry that I'm aging into the parent role, which is a little scary.

I love Harley Quinn. I do. I just love it.

The fight scenes are pretty easy and come pretty naturally for me, to be honest.

'Somnia' is a story about loss and, I guess, what you're willing to do to have closure and try and feel whole again. It's a story of redemption in a sense. I don't want to give too much away, but it's a heartbreaking story that's incredibly terrifying.

My manager has been my manager since I was 17, and he says that he's supposed to be smart for me when I can't do it for myself.

I think that I am lucky and blessed to have the job that I have, and I am trying to create longevity. If that means that I transition into different things at different points in my life, then that's fine. I also believe that if doors don't open, make new doors, so I've also started producing quite a bit of things.

I love playing characters who are multilayered and multidimensional and have a darkness to them, which makes them more realistic and more fun to play.

I'll work out with my trainer twice a week, and I'll do some Power Pilates and might throw in some yoga. I love to row also. The main thing for me is just to move every single day for 30 minutes to an hour.

I have to remind myself constantly to not be antisocial, because I stay to myself a lot. I'm a lot more introspective than my characters.

I think that probably the time that people stopped thinking of Starbuck as 'a woman' was when they stopped thinking of the old show.

People don't realize that I started in musical theater. That's where my roots are.

I hate horror movies, with a passion.

I have never looked at a child and been so angry that I flipped out.

I am a daddy's girl at heart, even though I'm in my 30s.

I've never really had the opportunity to play something that's a complete departure from me yet.

I had a stalker break into my house a couple times. They didn't leave any fingerprints or take anything - I was being followed.

I know that you can only keep a secret a secret for so long.

Things that happen in Wyoming are things that wouldn't happen in a big city - we've got bears, we've got a lot of shotguns - in Absaroka County, everybody's got a shotgun in the back of their car!

I think what we've been able to do with 'Longmire' is balance this procedural with a bit of a soap opera, and it's a character study of this character, Walt Longmire, and the people around him.

It's interesting: I've been doing this since I was 17, and it's kind of weird to see yourself grow up on television.

It's crazy: when it's raining, it makes no sense to me that people drive 10 miles an hour faster than they normally would, but then the other thing that makes no sense is when people drive 30 miles an hour slower than normal.

I wear high heels and dresses. I am a total girly girl.

My dad always said that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard enough.