Sarah Corvus in 'Bionic Woman' was one of my favorite characters I've ever played, ever, for reasons that are very similar to Nikki in 'Sexy Evil Genius.' I felt that that show was taken away from me too soon, and I really wanted to dive back into that mind frame again.

There's a joke that, if you can ride through Texas with somebody, which is 700 miles of just straight, flat freeway riding, then you can be friends with them forever.

'Battlestar' was 22 episodes - 9 to 10 months a year - and we were exhausted. You finish shooting, and the last thing you want to do is go back to work. You want those 3 months off because you're tired - it's a grueling shooting schedule.

I fought for a long time on 'Battlestar' to let my hair grow out. It was very frustrating because every single person on the show was changing their hair. It was not fair.

I don't have the kind of style that I feel like would serve any and everyone.

It's really important, especially for young girls, to see that if you fall down, you get back up. If you get sick, you get back up. People are going to say what they want.

When you're changing your diet, or you're becoming a vegan, your system will become a bit more sensitive, and you just have to deal with it.

I like darker, mysterious scents and things that reflect my personality.

I follow so many beauty bloggers on Instagram.

I'm more of a tough girl, and I'm attracted to things that reflect that in my perfumes. That means sandalwood, musk, amber, and vanilla notes.

If a boy messes up, you walk away. If a boy isn't treating you right, you walk away. It sounds simpler than it is, but you can't allow yourself to be disrespected. You have to be a strong girl.

It's important to keep your power and not give it up.

Make your life about you, and once you build up yourself first, then you can focus on boys.

I was raised in Hollywood by my mother.

There's a common misconception that you don't need SPF during the grey winter months, but it's so important to protect skin from UVA/UVB rays year-round.

Water for People is a non-profit international organization that brings together communities, entrepreneurs, governments - people - to create solutions that empower people to maintain their own reliable water systems and sanitation.

If you don't feel clean, it affects everything you do; you can't even focus right.

I'd say when it comes to being who you are, just don't be afraid to try things.

I think magazines and interviews make celebrities into this bigger-than-life thing, but I've gotten bullied over trying different things with my makeup.

I'm hoping I'll eventually get to be a beauty blogger myself because I do my own makeup, and I have for years.

Listen, I'm not a politician. I'm not a news reporter. I make music, and I act.

Sometimes what I think what the news is missing is the human element, the connection - the moment that you look into a little girl's eyes or a father who has just left his family and risked everything just to try and survive.

Sometimes fashion designers will be like, 'This is what's hot right now, and you will be cool if you wear this,' but sometimes it's too expensive or doesn't look good on me or isn't who I am, and I don't need to just think that what you're saying is what's cool if I have my own identity.

Take chances, find your voice in fashion, and find what you like, and find what makes you feel good, and do that.