To me, success is making a positive difference through art - making art that affects the world and that changes the way people feel about themselves and the world.

I hope to do multiple characters throughout my life that are separate from me. I think it's a cop-out if you play yourself in everything.

It's important for me to just be myself - in fashion. A lot of people overlook that side of me because they're scared of it, but that's just who I am.

'Blade' was amazing; I can't imagine the character without Wesley Snipes. He just made a long, black leather trench coat look so cool.

I just wanna be a good artist.

When people start to think they're figuring out 'The Vampire Diaries,' it switches on you.

I had racially prejudiced comments directed at me on different blogs. People think that just because you're in the spotlight, you're fair game. It's hard, and I don't think you're ready at any age for it. Thankfully, I have some great fans who got me through it.

I'm all about high-waisted pants and skirts, pencil skirts, and sheer, long-sleeves in the summer.

I love sparkly eyes for the holidays, especially New Year's Eve.

Live performances always feel like such a moment with all of the costumes and theatrics.

When you're an entertainer, it's hard not to compare yourself with the next person's success. But you have to trust your own journey and your strengths and believe in yourself. I think that's the best place to start.

I used to read the criticism on blogs about other people - mostly female actresses and singers - and even when they are extremely perfect and harmless, people still go after them. So I figure, if I'm going to get negativity regardless, why do I have to worry about what somebody thinks of me?

I'm somebody who listens to a lot of funk, a lot of James Brown, and I want to be somebody who contributes all that energy to the mainstream.

I've been doing acting since I was 6 years old, and I don't know how to do anything besides act and sing. Back in the day, you had to do it all - you had to sing, dance, and act. I'm from the old school where that is what I was trained to do, and that's what I am expected to do, so it's weird when people ask me to choose.

I feel like I can't be sick without some story being made up or some photos being sold a month later.

People automatically assume that because you're an actor, you're a blank canvas 24/7. But I can't wear what everyone else wears. If I went to an audition, I'd wear what the character would wear, but the moment I'm done with the audition or done filming, I go back into my high-waisteds.

I like that the 'Underworld' series created a whole other world that's totally different yet familiar to our own.

If I was on Broadway, I would want to do anything Vaudeville or a biopic.

MAC Cosmetics is incredible for lips; I always wear it.

I have more of a desire to write songs about being an independent woman than being in love, songs about getting up and moving on even if I have a broken heart.

Will Smith is one of my favorite actors, and he's also a triple threat. He successfully crossed over from music into acting.

I just want to live on the road. I can't understand artists that don't want to perform and, like, get on stage and do their songs for all their fans every night. If I'm not performing every night, I get totally depressed. I know that sounds really weird, but I hate sitting at home and not having a 1 A.M. performance now. It kills me.

I only write in blue ink.

I learned about poise and dignity, and I learned about what it means to be an African-American in television and what that requires in terms of what kind of position you take for yourself and how you define your own reality in a world that is still finding its footing, to say the least.