'Slumdog Millionaire' has truly opened newer avenues for India.

My dad taught me very early in life that whenever a child learns to walk, he falls a lot of times, but then he picks himself up and learns to walk like a man, and that is something which is a motto in life as well. You gotta pick yourself up, and you gotta walk, and you gotta walk strong.

Being an actor, your focus is just on your craft and how to make it better, but production is a much bigger task - putting everything together.

Throughout school, I've faced ridicule and been complexed about my appearance. I almost turned into a nervous wreck. Peer pressure is bad. Children can be really cruel. Specially if you're not like everyone else.

I'm a survivor.

I get many scripts and films, but I refuse most of them because I have done such roles before.

I am proud to say that our industry is making films like 'PINK,' 'Maatr,' and 'Mom.'

As women, we need to give the right upbringing to our sons so that they respect, protect, and help the weaker sex instead of bullying them.

Crimes against women are growing day by day. Despite this, the mindset of our leaders, politicians, or judicial system is not changing.

I believe you must enjoy the life that God has given you. Cherish it, because it is all you have. You could be here right now, and in two seconds, you could be gone.

When I see people scratching and clawing towards ambition and greed, I wonder why they are doing it and for what.

There is a world and life beyond films. My charity work keeps me in touch with that world.

You are the best lessons you learn from life. I have grown up learning from my life.

A friend of mine created an email ID for me, and I was completely hooked soon after. I would mail friends constantly and lug my laptop everywhere just to listen to some music.

Computers used to petrify me before I figured it was just a matter of getting used to them.

I'm a God-fearing person.

You have to respect the existence of God. If He has given you the power to throw your weight around, then you mustn't misuse it.

Geeks are finally having their day.

People are not enjoying life because they're trying to be something or brand themselves.

I can fall asleep anywhere.

Spy plots are hard, really hard.

I think every girl has that a guy she has trouble letting go of.

I took a Groundlings class in my 20s, and I was terrible. They didn't even pass me to the next level.

I've been really lucky thus far with acting, in that I can do things I believe in and feel good about, and feel good about myself. If for some reason one day that ends, I won't do it anymore. If I feel like I have to compromise myself to continue to be in this industry, I don't want to do that.