You can't be an openly gay movie star. You can't be an openly gay pop star, really - minus Ricky Martin.

Chemotherapy is brutal. The goal is pretty much to kill everything in your body without killing you.

My dad always tell me to make decisions from love and not from fear.

I've always dreamt of having some sort of undercover job. I think it's probably the coolest thing in the world, but ultimately a very lonely life.

I think that women are powerful and they're multifaceted and they're survivors; they don't have to depend on a man to do the things they needed them to do, whether it was hunting or lifting heavy things, so what's a man's place now? Who knows!

I am generally cast as the dependable, affable, loving, friend-wife-girlfriend.

I pretty much borrow my entire beauty regime from my mom.

For the most part, it is really nice when people come up to me, because I do think that people who are awkward relate to me, and that's really nice. It's generally good.

I'm terrified of performing live.

It's downright undignified how many blazers I've bought over the years. And will continue to buy. They immediately give shape and add authority. With the perfect blazer, anything is possible.

Streaking through a large crowd has always been a secret fantasy of mine.

Good rom-coms have some reflection of the way things are, the sign of the times.

My mother and I are more than best friends; we are partners in crime. After she and my father, Quincy Jones, separated when I was 10 years old, my sister, Kidada, who was 12, went to live with our dad, and I stayed with my mother.

If I can surround myself with hilarious people every day, I will always want to go to work.

I think there's just an inherent burden of being alive and being a woman. No man would ever admit that, but I think women know it, which is: You know more than men, you know more than most people you're dealing with every day, and you know that's it up to you to make things move forward, and you get paid half as much, but you just do it.

I had a nickname in junior high, and I'm loathe to say this: 'potato lady.'

In my twenties I would be skeptical of a bad haircut, but once you turn thirty it's more about whether he a nice person and does he open the door for me. Once you turn thirty-five, it's more about would he make a good father. And even if you're just liking somebody and digging on someone, I think you can't help but think in those terms.

I'm friends with a lot of my exes, but it took time. We didn't just get into it. I don't think you can be friends until you're cool with them dating someone else. That's when you know.

My parents are the coolest of the cool on every single level, and it's because they have a deep appreciation for every moment of their lives.

Well, dating has become a sport and not about finding the person you love.

Timing is everything with relationships.

My first love, I'll never forget, and it's such a big part of who I am, and in so many ways, we could never be together, but that doesn't mean that it's not forever. Because it is forever.

I know that in life there will be sickness, devastation, disappointments, heartache - it's a given. What's not a given is the way you choose to get through it all. If you look hard enough, you can always find the bright side.

Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that's beautiful.