Mom is the most unconditionally loving person I will ever know, and she has always supported me on every level.

To me, it's really easy to feel glamorous and beautiful with red lips. It's great because you don't have to do anything else. I don't have to do anything to my face. I can have cleanly washed hair and if I just put on like a matte red lip, it just makes everything seem special.

I really like the relaxed glamour of the '70s.

I kind of understand now why people freak out when they see celebrities that they love, because that's how I feel about every single Muppet.

I feel like there is this weird thing where celebrity involvement in political campaigns kind of goes together like peanut butter and chocolate. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

Control the public's perception of you and nobody will care if you have any talent.

I remember being a kid and seeing the 'National Inquirer' at the grocery store checkout line. When somebody actually picked up a copy, it was mortifying. You felt dirty for them. But now it's perfectly acceptable to read something like that. There's absolutely no taboo surrounding that kind of exploitation.

People still go to Comic-Con because they love comics.

For the most part, having more money and more fame make your life harder. It just does. I've seen it happen with people. You know, it's so hard to stay normal. It's so hard to stay happy. It's hard to remember why you were doing what you did in the first place.

It's very challenging to learn something new as an adult.

I'm generally a pretty friendly person.

For the most part, there's so much of me in my characters.

I don't like expectations.

It's such a fortunate life, if you can work as an actor.

I know my mom said as early as she can remember letting me watch TV, my one treat a week when I was like 6 was to stay up and watch 'Saturday Night Live.'

You know, I grew up on romantic comedies, and it's hard to find a new way to tell that story.

In college, I had a lot of friends who were writers and wanted to be writers and I felt intimidated by it. I just didn't know if I had any gift or voice and I had no confidence about it.

I tend to leave the house without makeup all the time. I'm kind of lazy that way.

Marriage feels like an industry with catering and really expensive bands.

I have a lot of skepticism about marriage and monogamy.

I am definitively qualitative about work.

In elementary and high school, I never considered acting as a profession.

Auditioning is the worst.

I love going to weddings.