When you don't have work for a year or two, you lower your standards a bit for survival.

There have been years when I had no films.

We should accept our fears and try to overcome them.

Fears are a part of our personality.

Since, I have become a parent... I feel if you sit down and get through your child and use one's understanding to teach them something... Is the easiest way.

Ironically India is the hub of animation outsourcing, but our own productions have been anything but fabulous.

I am a huge fan of animation.

I generally don't talk about my personal life. It is one area that I like to keep to myself.

I don't think people are interested in knowing the what, when, where and how of my life.

I would like to direct. I am also happy helping other directors realise their vision. I am happy being a cog in a wheel.

I feel one shouldn't turn director unless one is compelled to tell a story.

The press is writing parallel narrative about my life, especially my married life and nothing about my work. That's media for you.

Ek Tha Tiger' was a great script, director and leading superstar of the film industry Salman Khan is part of it.

I feel lucky that films like 'Singh is King,' 'Ek Tha Tiger' came my way. They were mainstream films that were different.

When you hear Bollywood, you think about everything mainstream, song-and-dance, hero-heroine. I don't think that will ever go away.

I can't dumb down for the audience because I believe my audience is at least as smart as I am.

There's a watering down of sensibilities in commercial films and I don't seem to fit into that.

I haven't got the kind of films from mainstream cinema which I would have wanted. But then mainstream cinema has a different bunch of people who are happy working with each other, which is fine.

This is a wrong notion that I work in big budget films. Infact, usually low budget films are offered to me, they come and say it's a good story but they don't have the money.

I didn't mind taking on small parts.

The only reason I took up small roles in big banner films was in the hope to get the attention of other directors.

In our industry star kids are given opportunities. There is no dearth of films for them.

I have worked with Konkona in 'Mixed Doubles' and 'Traffic Signal' and one thing's clear - she is a fabulous actress and an excellent human being.

Even I run after money, but money is secondary for me. First comes the script and then my part in the movie.