I do think it's important to live in the present because in that way you won't be living in a state of regret.

I do find acting cathartic.

I didn't choose to be an actress.

I couldn't imagine playing someone young now; it would be so boring.

I am pretty self-indulgent.

I am not going to share my private life with millions of people. I don't find a need to do that and nobody else close to me does either.

I am not a fanatic about anything. I do what I can do when I've got the time.

However successful you are, there is no substitute for a close relationship. We all need them.

Everything has changed. An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive.

I maintain the rather old-fashioned view that this is my work and it's in the public arena, but that doesn't entitle everyone to know what happened at home before coming here.

I consulted a Chinese herbalist and spent two weeks on an island off the coast of Zanzibar. I was away from any kind of contemporary technology.

Truly charismatic people, in my experience, don't come along very often.

I can feel the 60S looming. In my profession, I've just moved along with my age. By thinking in decades, rather than whether someone's 42 or 47, you can give yourself a whole 10 years to turn yourself around in.

You can be revered for all sorts of qualities, but to be truly charismatic is rare. Elizabeth Taylor was, for me, one of those rarities.

An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive.

Thank God we're not like America. Everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women.

The first thing you have to do is accept that decay sets in and there's nothing you can do about it.

I've always kept fit but I've been doing gym and yoga and will be throwing my stilettoes away for a while!

As you grow older, your whole life becomes very rich, multifaceted.

Fame and stardom sat very easily on Elizabeth Taylor's shoulders.

Sometimes sushi is just superb, and other times there's nothing like a great big steak. It depends where your taste buds are at the time.

I go on giving interviews because I've been brought up to support the projects I'm involved in. When you've enjoyed working on a production, you want to do them a favour.

Some actors get fired up by the sound of the audience. I just want to retreat.

You can love more than one person in your life, but things will be different. There'll be a different dynamic. Needs and desires change.