Yale? I was at Yale on a scholarship.

Even though I'm an actor, I've gone to productions where there has been someone whose work is known in film, and you can't take your eyes off them. It unbalances the production. Whether they're good or not, it doesn't matter.

It's like some weird excuse for high school kids to vomit. It's not good. It's stupid. I'm sure that's not what St. Patrick's Day is supposed to be about, but who knows.

I went to high school in a steel town in Pennsylvania.

I know I'm profane. And outspoken.

I portray female characters, so I have the opportunity to change the way people look at them. Even if I wasn't consciously doing that, it would happen anyway just because of how I present as a woman, or as a person. I present in a way that's not stereotypical, even if I'm playing a stereotypical role.

My politics are private, but many of my feminist politics cross over into my professional life.

Unfortunately, any girl - unless you're playing the action hero - is going to end up at some point handcuffed, gagged, and waiting for the hero to save her.

All the skills of housewifery are the ones I'm using as a producer.

One of the reasons I am successful as a producer is that I've been a very successful housewife.

We don't need a lot of initiatives for women in film; what we need is money.

I have not mutated myself in any way.

I want to be revered. I want to be an elder; I want to be an elderess.

Adulthood is not a goal. It's not seen as a gift.

We are on red alert when it comes to how we are perceiving ourselves as a species. There's no desire to be an adult.

Everybody dresses like a teenager. Everybody dyes their hair. Everybody is concerned about a smooth face.

Something happened culturally: No one is supposed to age past 45 - sartorially, cosmetically, attitudinally.

I'm from working-class, blue-collar America, and I don't believe that people in that socioeconomic strata wait until they're 40 to have children.

I swear a lot; I always have. So does my husband. Our son, surprisingly, does not swear much at all.

The crew on 'Three Bilboards,' by the way, is one of the best I've ever worked with. And that's not hyperbole.

I'm not really that interested in going back to playing small supporting roles.

I became interested in educating people in the variety of ways in which women can express their emotion. Which is much easier to do in a large role than in a supporting role to a male protagonist. In general, the women in a supporting role to a male protagonist - cry a lot.

I was completely naive about the business of being an actor. My family didn't go to the theater or to the movies. We watched television like every 1960s small-town American family, and I certainly never thought about being on TV. I thought I was going to be a classical actor in the grand tradition.

I went to my school careers counselors and said I wanted to be an actor, and they didn't know what to do. They showed me catalogues with pretty campuses and said, 'Oh, look, there's a theater building. Why don't you go there?'