I don't believe in expending energy on something you can't do anything about. If there was some easy way of fixing things, I'd probably do it.

Having children with someone is the real bond.

My mother was madly adventurous. My father was an actor - he worked with Gielgud - and my mother came from a very wealthy family. She definitely wasn't meant to marry an actor, but she eloped with him one lunch-time.

I used to suffer from excessive pride. Well, I got over that one.

From one till seven, when we moved to England, I spoke only Portuguese. But I can't speak a word of it now.

I think people should do whatever they want to do. That's the point. Why should you care what other people think or say? You're not living in their pocket.

Eat well and sleep well. That will feed your nervous system and your psyche. As you get older, you look how you feel.

The minute anyone's getting anxious I say, You must eat and you must sleep. They're the two vital elements for a healthy life.

I'm trying to learn to smoke, which is rather weird when everyone is trying to stop. I'm not a smoker. But my character only smokes as an affectation.

I have always done exercise because I was a dancer, and it is probably good for you. I have done yoga consistently.

People love to drop in 'you betcha' as often as they can.

If, when I leave this earth, I'm remembered for 'Fargo,' so be it. But I think old Marge Gunderson is gonna get a run for her money with Olive Kittredge.

At least three times a week, I'm approached by someone who says something about 'Fargo.'

You can't make a rule about it. The minute you make a rule, it's like putting your wedding pictures in 'In Style' magazine - you're divorced.

I love flying by the seat of my pants, going at something instinctually.

I've never been someone who needs a lot of takes or enjoys a lot of takes. I like the fast thing of it.

I'm attracted to male gestures and sexuality.

My feminist training was that this was your goal, to be a self-sufficient woman, but that is a miscalculation. It's just not the way we work. We work in dialogue with the community.

I tried taking a year off when Pedro was a toddler because I really wanted to be around, but it wasn't good for any of us.

There is simply too much of my life that is involved in my work that I couldn't replicate in any other way.

If you take it as a compliment that you don't look your age, then you're really shooting yourself in the foot.

I've got a rubber face. It has always served me very well and really helps, especially as I get older, because I still have all my road map intact, and I can use it at will.

I've given just as much of my life to that, and I practiced it with the same zeal, as I have acting. And I think that many of my skill sets from being a housewife I used for producing. Because you don't stop until it's done.

I never read books - and still don't read books - to develop them.