I learned a lot about a traumatic situation and what it does to you. It really brings you closer to your family and your loved ones.

I really just want to work with good directors and learn as much as I possibly can.

I can't say enough about 'The First Time.' It was such an awesome experience. Jon Kasdan, the writer/director, was great. He's such a talented guy who's really, truly special.

I'm excited to see what comes my way, see what I'm interested in next, and just see what happens.

Kissing on screen is just - funny enough, you're just acting, so you're distracted by that more than anything. Or at least I am.

It's really easy sometimes to get comfortable on a set and get into the groove and think it's all make-believe so nothing bad can happen.

It's honestly just pressure that I put on myself when I'm working. It's just how I operate.

In 'Teen Wolf,' I don't really have any stunts. And if I do, it's like Stiles falls on the ground or something like that.

Michael's great. He's everything you'd want Michael Keaton to be.

Honestly, man, I'm not somebody who wants the celebrity. I could really care less about that stuff. I know everyone says it, but I get overwhelmed by it all sometimes.

Stiles is a version of me that rarely exists in the real world. He's so confident and extroverted, and I'm much more restrained and internal.

It's kind of too generic, a male lead.

I'm always a little innately shy when I first talk to a girl, and I think I always will be! But I think that's a good thing. You don't want to lose that.

In high school, girls started wearing high-waisted pants with their shirts tucked into them. I don't get what that's about.

The perfect date is the one where anything and everything goes wrong, but at the end of it, all you want is to see them again.

With TV, you just have to finish the days and get the episodes out. And it's always going to be an impossible schedule. That's the funny thing with TV that not a lot of people realize.

I was in school, but I wasn't into school. I wasn't doing what I wanted to be doing in school, which was film studies. That was what I intended on doing, but I didn't go away to a university because I wanted to stay in L.A. and audition while I took classes, so I elected to go to a community college and just take G.E. courses. It was terrible.

I'd like to get into some sort of workout regimen so I can properly be healthy and exercise like a normal human being. I seem to not do that... ever.

Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from 'Friends.'

I just happened to step into acting. And now I can't imagine myself doing anything else.

I'm never offered any sort of roles. I need to audition in a typically lengthy process to receive roles.

Yeah, I've only been acting since I was 18 out of high school.

I just want to work with good filmmakers and do good projects that mean something to me and play interesting characters. That's really it.

I didn't have that many friends my first few years of high school. It was very cliquey and I'm super shy, so it was hard to make friends.