If you have a good thing going behind the scenes, you'll have a good thing going on-screen.

I'm nervous and awkward.

I'll never be, at least in my mind, as cool as Jason Bourne.

It's always a long process of trying to suppress the self-doubt on set when you're acting.

If you're proud of something, and if you're proud of your work at the end of the day, the experience, walking away, you can feel good about it; that's what you have to focus on.

I always assume that a chick is not into me. So it's never natural for me to be like, 'Check out that girl in the corner. She's waiting for me to come up to her. I'm gonna to work my six-step process...'

I feel like I'm good with girls. I understand them and am good at loving them. I've always felt like that's been natural for me.

I love sprinting, but I hate long-distance running. Isn't that funny?

I'm very shy. I wish more people believed me when I say that.

I just really like fun, cool, interesting, quirky girls. And sometimes you find that in 6'2 model bodies and sometimes they're short and brunette. All shapes and sizes - it's really about the personality. That sounds cliche, but it's so freaking true!

You don't disrupt genius at work.

The thing I like a lot about acting is I'll never learn enough. I'll never know it inside and out.

I never have an opinion about clothes and know nothing about fashion.

Part of growing up is realizing you learn to love so many people. It's about forming those relationships and finding what will last forever.

I'll always be reading a good book. I don't have, like, specific genre tastes or anything or things that I kind of get hooked on, reading genre books or anything like that. It's just really anything anyone kind of recommends or is going around or I hear is good.

I'm a big root beer guy.

I have a personality type, but it's not like I'm like, 'Oh yeah, short and brunette. That's what I like. All the time.'

A lot of people think bigger is better, but not always.

Dream Home' is uncomplicated with everyday language that resonates with homeowners. We also included hundreds of never-before-seen images.

We love renovating spaces to maximize a home's equity.

The best way to maximize storage in a small space is with custom cabinets.

There are simple, small things you can do that really will impact the space. Things like changing out your curtain panels to something that adds a fresh new feel. Or maybe a smart pattern. Also swapping out an area rug, throws and pillows can be done in no time, and really have a dramatic effect.

I'm plastic so I will never age, but Jonathan definitely has an expiration date.

We call it ‘demo therapy.' We're therapists on top of designers and contractors and real estate agents and we really sometimes have to push people past their comfort zone and show them what they like, they just didn't know that they like.