So way back, Jonathan and I were - we were entertainers as kids. We were actors; we did theater, musicals; we ended up getting into commercials and some TV spots. Actually, one of our jobs, we were clowns.

There is never one defined right or wrong brother. We each have our individual truths. But together we're the better truth.

Jon and I have a lot of drive. But really, the most glaring difference is I'm better looking.

We come from a live background of sketch improv and standup.

We even have a music career. Our song ‘Hold On,' charted on Billboard. I mean, we don't have aspirations to tour with Justin Bieber but we have a lot of different interests and talents.

Ecuador is stunning.

What I've learned is, there's not just one way to achieve a goal. There can be obstacles along the way and it's how you learn from that that will really make you a success.

When you have a dream in mind and you want it so bad and you fail, it crushes you.

My true goal was to be an actor, was to be on TV. I wanted nothing more.

One of my favorite things to do is play guitar with my dad, who taught me.

I can make a delicious lasagna.

I'm a health nut who likes to work out every day, but I am powerless when it comes to Yorkshire pudding, pizza and ice cream.

I like modern efficiencies and functionality.

I only get home two or three weeks a year. I'm always on the road filming.

I am an organization freak. I am such a freak that in my closet, shoes, belts, ties - everything is color-coded and organized that way. Not a shoelace is out of place.

I might put a couple of quarters in a slot machine, but I don't know how to play roulette.

I don't go to casinos to gamble.

I love acting and directed. And Jonathan loved magic. Whatever we were passionate about, our parents supported us.

I did sit on Jonathan's head in the womb for nine months.

We know that slow-motion renovations in tight jeans make for a great episode.

Jonathan and I are outspoken. If there's something that's bothering us we just say it, deal with it, and move on.

I wanted to be an actor as a kid, and a lot of people would tell you to be realistic, but from a young age, our parents really realized that Jonathan and I were so driven.

For me, just getting to experience something new all the time is what's most exciting for me.

A lot of the country doesn't even know what Vegas is about. They think it's just the place you go for bachelor parties or casinos. There's so much more to the city and so many amazing neighborhoods, so to be able to showcase that is really cool.