Buying a home is exciting, but it's also a big financial commitment.

When kids are really little, they destroy everything.

When we were little, our parents couldn't tell us apart from the side or the back, they had to look at us straight on.

I think a big bucket list item for me and Jonathan is to produce some of our own scripted films and series.

I think the best thing that Jonathan and I have done is… having really strong people working with us - our work environment and all of our employees and everybody, we're like one big family.

I never fight with a man who's carrying power tools.

We knew we were different, even from our elementary school days. We were the class clowns; we engaged with people differently. We knew there was something out there that was meant for us.

I have no shame - all my secrets are out there.

The big thing for me is to motivate people, even globally.

Jon has always been the romantic. He started dating before I did. I was more awkward and nervous in front of girls in high school.

When we were in high school, Jonathan would always try to embarrass me in front of girls, so I consider it my duty to pay him back.

Being stubborn is not an asset. You have to be able to see things through other people's eyes.

What if you get a job transfer? What if you lose your job? What if you have kids and you need a bigger home? Things change. You always have to be ready to roll with it.

Even at 10 years old, Jonathan and I started saying things like, ‘Hey, what about this for the property?' And I remember my parents saying, ‘You're 10. What do you know about real estate? Go play with toys.'

You don't need to rip open walls to transform a space. One of the big things that count is furniture design and painting - things you can do yourself - that alone can transform the space.

Some people are just weird when you're on a plane - it's the same during a renovation. It stresses them out.

I constantly catch myself saying, ‘My fiancee, Linda. Wait no - wife.'

When a family buys a house, they know when it's the right one - the fixer upper where they can spend all their time and grow old together.

I think one of the reasons why our brand has grown is because we never close any opportunity. We are open to anything and then we sort of move forward from there.

Traveling is a major source of inspiration. There is so much to learn from history and different cultures.

I know what it's like to have a house full of pets!

It's always smart to know your market - what kind of buyers are looking in your neighborhood? What have other houses sold for in that area? Check out some of the open houses if possible and you'll start to learn about what people in that area value.

Building and tinkering were such a huge part of our childhood, whether we were trying to entertain ourselves as kids, helping our parents out on the ranch, or getting creative with school projects.

We're excited to have kids. I think Linda and I will be great parents, and we're excited to start that chapter of our lives.