For me it's a very organic process. I read the script/hear a narration and pretty much know instantly if it's something I want to be a part of or not. It's really as simple as that.

Shiddat' is a beautiful story of love and the strong bonds between people. It is pure and intense and also very relatable. I am usually not a love story kind of person, but when I heard the script, it moved me a lot.

A thriller or an action movie would entice me. A sportsperson or a musician's biopic sounds exciting, too.

It takes me a while to make friends as I take time to get to know people.

I've done things so unconventionally that I don't think I'd ever be able to lead by someone else's example or the way somebody else has done it. Everybody has their own way of going about things and mine seems to be completely different.

I take my time to do things and I never plan in advance. It's one step at a time for me. I'd like to stick to that.

The impact that you can leave on the other person through your films holds way more weight than just being seen at a party or any other appearance, or being seen at a freaking airport.

I have never been able to go against my instinct.

The time that I took between 'Cocktail' and 'Happy Bhaag Jayegi,' a lot of people told me, 'out of sight is out of mind,' and I was like 'Okay, maybe.' And it did happen. Because I wasn't around, people just assumed I was doing other things and was not interested in films which I thought was unfair.

I find the best birthday plans are the unplanned ones.

It is a sin if you come to Rajasthan and not have dal-baati and laal maans. I know it's a little heavy but I am okay doing extra push-ups in the gym than missing the droolworthy Rajasthani food.

I've learnt there's nothing you can't do. I danced, for instance. I am not as reserved as I used to be. I've been on the reserved side since I was growing up perhaps because I was an only child, but that changed. I am way more confident. I'm more expressive and vocal.

I am not starry. I am your everyday girl, with not so everyday aspirations in life.

Since I am not from a film family, I come with a different perspective. I come from a regular world. Of course, there's not always the help and assistance you'd get if you were from a filmi family, but I really didn't miss that.

I started modelling in college, but it was part time since I was kind of nerdy and wanted to finish my studies.

I am a loner so I prefer traveling alone.

Working and modelling in New York was definitely a life changing experience for me.

I am hoping good roles will come my way after the success of 'Happy.'

When I see a great film I do wish I was part of it, that happens.

I don't believe in competition.

As part of being in the industry you do watch what others are doing. I think that's something good to do.

When I started with 'Cocktail,' I was trying to figure out if this was something I wanted to do.

Acting was never on agenda.

I can't say that I wanted to be an actress, it just happened along the way. I did not even know that I would be doing modelling but that also just happened.