Luckily I'm blessed with decent genes. But, that can change anytime. I know that it's just not healthy to eat unhealthy. I do workout, and have gotten into quite a fixed routine of Pilates and strength training. And it's not so much about the weight, but also about being healthy.

I'm open to different kinds of roles, characters and genres.

My strength lies in prepping. I'm not someone who can just walk onto the set and perform.

Even something light, such as walking, jogging, cycling or swimming, and staying away from junk food is good enough to keep you healthy.

I used to love doing the runway shows when I was a model and I miss that sometimes now. But it's great to go back to it every now and then as 'showstopper.'

I signed 'Lucknow Central' because it was a story I wanted to be part of. I still stand by the fact that it was a well written, well directed film with some great performances.

There are some films that you know will do well. Then there are others which have good stories that ought to be told. But because they are slightly risky, not everybody is willing to take that up. But I think it is important to take risks because at the end of the day, you want to explore new genres and new characters.

I love challenging myself; it's what keeps me going.

Box office success definitely matters. I will be lying if say it does not matter.

I'm generally soft spoken, very measured, and I think 500 times before I say something.

It's partly true that I am not seen that often in public. Well, I'm just socially awkward, especially around people I'm not familiar with. But once you get to know me, I'm quite a chatterbox.

I have roots in Jabalpur and that's as Indian as it can get.

Essentially, Christmas has always been about spending time with family. We had one big lunch filled with banter, warmth, laughter and great food. Doing up the tree with my mom was another fun exercise.

I did modelling for five years, then I felt I wanted to do something different and challenging.

I just want to act - commercial, mainstream, niche or art - my choices are not defined by labels.

I do mat or take floor Pilates class at home. I also take dance lessons at home.

I think modelling comes naturally to me as I have done it for a long time.

Films are not a part-time job. They take months to make and require long-time commitment; so, you can't do a half-hearted job.

I think it is up to each one of us to find the time and strike a balance between work and our personal life.

Sometimes you wake up with mini panic attacks where you feel like 'Oh my God! I don't have a film right now! Should I just do something that comes my way because I don't have another film?' But I feel at the end of the day, your gut takes over.

I'm a fiercely private person in general, and like to keep my personal life personal.

The bonds of friendship that I forged in my college days are still going strong.

Each film has taught me something new - be it about myself, my craft, my profession, people.

I have always aimed at maintaining a healthy balance with respect to all aspects of my life.