I would like all the trolls to look at their bodies instead of trolling others. What is ironic is the fact that it is easy to criticise sitting behind your computer, in complete anonymity, about other people. on the basis of their appearances but very difficult to introspect and look within themselves.

We deal with erratic travel and shooting schedules and it can be tough. It requires a little effort but if you want to be in a relationship you will find a way.

For me, my phone is a one-stop shop; I do everything on my phone - email, browsing, listening to music, reading, navigation and using smart apps. Maps, I use that a lot. I think that's the best app ever.

For me, 'Parmanu' was an awakening of sorts. The film is about a covert mission. It's sometimes unbelievable that we get to recreate a part of history and live an incident that made history and changed the way our country was perceived.

I like to do some research and learn about the destination before I travel there. I read up on its history, culture and food, which is most important. Being informed makes the travel so much better.

This is the beauty of Rajasthan; everything is so picturesque.

It was extraordinary living in Mumbai, navigating my course, understanding how to manage my finances on my own, mapping out my daily expenses.

I want to go back to the '80s, wish India could go back to '80s, when life was simple.

Nature is actually the greatest democracy in the world.

It really doesn't matter whether it's an ensemble cast or it's a lead or what is perceived as a commercial or non-commercial or an offbeat film. None of that would matter, what really matters is the story and who's telling the story.

I calculated that if I live up to the age of 80, then I end up using 450 toothbrushes in my life. All that plastic! So I switched to bamboo toothbrushes years ago.

I have never stored water in plastic bottles, always in glass, steel or copper bottles and containers. I even carry my own water to work, and refill bottles for drinking.

I have grown up on a diet of sunrise picnics, learning the names of butterflies, planting trees.

I understand its fun to watch a web series up close to your chest is something else, but to see it on a bigger screen and to experience the emotions is magical.

Theatrical experience will always be the norm in India. In fact, as a producer and as an actor, I always hope that the magnum opus theatrical experience should always continue.

Digital shows have played a big part in empowering female artists. I'm very lucky to be a part of such projects.

It takes a lot to be a part of a film and as an artist, I want to be a part of subjects that makes me feel happy and that's become a big priority for me.

I love being in front of the camera but I love the fact that I have more control as a producer.

I should thank my parents for my beauty. It's in my genes.

Well, now I would like to kidnap Johnny Depp and yes, Ranbir Kapoor for sure.

I cannot write a novel because I cannot work in continuity. My works are more abstract, may be, I will try short story writing.

I feel that if you are a creative person, you choose various mediums to give vent to your ideas.

One doesn't have to be an activist and start a movement.

I have enough make-up to last me five lifetimes.