This is what Zen means by being detached—not being without emotion or feeling, but being one in whom feeling is not sticky or blocked, and through whom the experiences of the world pass like the reflections of birds flying over water.

What are we saying when we say now, something is holy? That means you should take a different attitude to what you are doing than if you were, for example, doing it for kicks.

You don't need to try to be God, you are! But if you try to be God it means you don't know you are.

When one speaks of awakening, it means de-hypnotizatio n; coming to your senses. But of course to do that, you have to go out of your mind.

I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale; handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalised a brick; I'm so mean I make medicine sick.

Yaron has elevated the way Australia perceives circus, both nationally and internationally ... I mean remarkable.

I've got a funny old face. Someone described it once, and I think they were being kind, as character. But I know what they mean! I've never been that conventional. I suppose maybe it means that my face can look different in different lights, so I just try and sort of keep it simple when I'm going out, to still look like me.

It seems like people increasingly just can't be by themselves because they're so used to having an epicenter on the Internet that actually exists for other people. Until someone clicks onto your Facebook page, it doesn't mean anything.

Germany is a country that has absolutely had to since the Second World War ask itself massive moral questions. And it's reforged its identity based on culture. I mean, the amount of artists living and working in Berlin is unparalleled. It's one of the strongest economies, not only in Europe, but globally, and it's because of its understanding of the importance of culture.

I cook a mean Sunday lunch. My idea of Heaven is a lunch outside on a beautifully sunny Sunday afternoon. It's the time to gather everyone together.

There's an expression in Australia that's called 'Go Bush,' which means to get out of the city and relax. I try and 'go bush' to places where there's no cell reception. But, I don't get to do that often, so for the most part, it's just a state of mind.

“Power is being redefined. Women often explain with care that we mean power to control our lives, but not to dominate others.” 

“Don't write when you're angry and under deadline, with time to test it only on friends who know what you mean, not on strangers who don't.” 

“Taking to the road—by which I mean letting the road take you—changed who I thought I was. The road is messy in the way that real life is messy. It leads us out of denial and into reality, out of theory and into practice, out of caution and into action, out of statistics and into stories—in short, out of our heads and into our hearts.” 

“The man of the true religious tradition understands two things: liberty and obedience. The first means knowing what you really want. 

“The aim of good prose words is to mean what they say. The aim of good poetical words is to mean what they do not say.” 

“Alone of all creeds, Christianity has added courage to the virtues of the Creator. For the only courage worth calling courage must necessarily mean that the soul passes a breaking point and does not break.” 

Does it mean this, does it mean that, that's all anybody wants to know. I'd say what any decent poet would say if anyone dared ask him to analyze his work: if you see it, darling, then it's there!

Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.

“When someone blushes, doesn't that mean 'yes'?” 

"Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself."

"Man's "progress" is but a gradual discovery that his questions have no meaning"

In order to lead a meaningful life, you need to cherish others, pay attention to human values and try to cultivate inner peace.

Our visit to this planet is short, so we should use our time meaningfully, which we can do by helping others wherever possible.