“Empathy is the most radical of human emotions.” 

I am going to get rid of these elements one by one until the last person, apart from the decision from the Almighty Allah, no human soul, animal, fish or insect, black or white, can remove me from power.

“This is no simple reform. It really is a revolution. Sex and race because they are easy and visible differences have been the primary ways of organizing human beings into superior and inferior groups and into the cheap labor on which this system still depends. We are talking about a society in which there will be no roles other than those chosen or those earned. We are really talking about humanism.” 

“When humans are ranked instead of linked, everyone loses.” 

“Empathy is the most radical of human emotions.” 

“It is the main earthly business of a human being to make his home, and the immediate surroundings of his home, as symbolic and significant to his own imagination as he can.”

“We lose our bearings entirely by speaking of the ‘lower classes’ when we mean humanity minus ourselves.” 

“I might inform those humanitarians who have a nightmare of new and needless babies (for some humanitarians have that sort of horror of humanity) that if the recent decline in the birth-rate were continued for a certain time, it might end in there being no babies at all; which would console them very much.” 

“Liberty is the very last idea that seems to occur to anybody, in considering any political or social proposal. It is only necessary for anybody for any reason to allege any evidence of any evil in any human practice, for people instantly to suggest that the practice should be suppressed by the police.”

In whom there is no sympathy for living beings: know him as an outcast.

One is not called noble who harms living beings. By not harming living beings one is called noble.

Born out of concern for all beings.

May all beings have happy minds.

You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him

Character, not circumstances, makes the man

“The great human law that in the end recognizes and rewards merit is everlasting and universal.”

A life is not worth much of which it cannot be said, when it comes to its close, that it was helpful to humanity.

In any country, regardless of what its laws say, wherever people act upon the idea that the disadvantage of one man is the good of another, there slavery exists. Wherever, in any country the whole people feel that the happiness of all is dependent upon the happiness of the weakest, there freedom exists

Of all forms of slavery there is none that is so harmful and degrading as that form of slavery which tempts one human being to hate another by reason of his race or color

There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it.

You have forgotten the One who doesn’t care about ownership, who doesn’t try to turn a profit from every human exchange.

The illuminated life can happen now, in the moments left. Die to your ego, and become a true human being.

This being human is a guest house. Every morning is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor… Welcome and entertain them all. Treat each guest honorably. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

You have forgotten the One who doesn’t care about ownership, who doesn’t try to turn a profit from every human exchange.