I am the American Dream. I am the epitome of what the American Dream basically said. It said you could come from anywhere and be anything you want in this country. That's exactly what I've done.

I get a lot of parents coming up to me, telling me they are grooming their kids to be professional athletes. I'm really against that. I think it's a great life, and yeah, you can lead them in that direction. I think a lot of parents live their lives through the kids. Because they didn't make it, they want their kids to make it. It puts a lot of undue pressure on the kids.

The gaze of nature thus awakened dreams and pulls the poet after it.

We dreamed a lot of good stuff. Marriage and forever and ever and that kind of thing. It meant everything to me. Not just a lot. Everything.

The beast is the monster that destroys your dream

My dream tour would be like, me, Cole, Drake, Sean, Meek. I think that would be dope, something like that; big venues.

I'm fortunate enough to be living my dreams and a lot of other peoples' dreams.

Still immersed in his dream, he drank down the tepid tea. It tasted bitter. Glory, as anyone knows, is bitter stuff.

We are well aware of the task ahead of us in what will be a very difficult match but which we all dream of playing.

I don't know if we are the best team in the world. I am lucky to be playing alongside some of the best players around. It's a dream.

It is one of the blessings of this world that few people see visions and dream dreams.

Life is but a web spun of ghosts and dreams and illusions.

The sea-road is good for wanderers and landless men. There is quenching of thirst on the grey paths of the winds, and the flying clouds to still the sting of lost dreams.

"I will protect your freedom, Malala. Carry on with your dreams."

"No night is long enough for us to dream twice."

"He says I am from there, I am from here, but I am neither there nor here. I have two names which meet and part… I have two languages, but I have long forgotten— which is the language of my dreams"

"I know who opens the door to the jasmine tree as it makes our dreams blossom for the evening's guests."

"Far away, our dreams have nothing to do with what we do. The wind carries the night, and passes on, aimless."

"I am from there. I am from here. I am not there and I am not here. I have two names, which meet and part, and I have two languages. I forget which of them I dream in."

Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vison.

I motivate others by making sure that they understand to go after their dreams and don't let anyone tell you you can't. If you are motivated enough and put the work in that you can achieve anything in life that you set your mind to.

I do not have bad days. I don't wake up in the morning and think that I'm going to get AIDS. I don't dream bad dreams about it. If I did, I'd be giving in to the negativity.

I grew up poor, but I didn't have poor dreams