We're not anti-police... we're anti-police brutality.

We need an amendment that gives us the right to vote protected by the federal government and the Constitution.

The United States has got to adopt a policy of befriending and creating allies around the world.

The United States government has the obligation to educate all young people in this country.

The right wing always mobilizes around constitutional amendments: the right to bear arms, school prayer.

The boxing world is full of all kinds of corruption.

One of the reasons I get so much joy out of my own children's childhoods is that I'm having my first childhood myself.

National Action Network, the group I founded, has affiliates or chapters in over 40 cities around the country.

My ordination in the Church of God in Christ was at age 9, and I later became a Baptist minister, which I am today.

James Brown became my father. He would talk to me the way a father talked to a son. He became the father I never had.

It seems some have chosen to ignore or have simply forgotten the big-picture vision promoted by Dr. King and his kin.

If you play the theatrics too much, you get in the way of your own cause.

If you can get the proper definition of trouble, then we can find out who the real troublemakers are.

If O.J. had been accused of killing his black wife, you would not have seen the same passion stirred up.

If Charlton Heston can have a constitutional right carry a rifle, why can't grandma have a constitutional right to health care?

I've seen too much in life to give up.

I've seen enough things to know that if you just keep on going, if you turn the corner, the sun will be shining.

I've never done anything else in my life other than preach and be an activist. Way before I was known.

I'm a patriot in the truest sense of the word.

I won vice president of my student body in high school. That doesn't mean anything.

I was there during the first elections in South Africa. I watched them take down the apartheid flag and raise the new flag.

I was the first candidate to come out against this war, spoke at every anti-war march.

I very rarely read any fiction. I love biographies; I read about all kinds of people. I love theology and some philosophy.

I grew up in the 1950s and '60s, when it was almost a holiday when a black act would go on Ed Sullivan.