Because I'm my parents' daughter, and get attention from things I've done in the past, that probably goes over people's heads.

My dad is the softer one and my mum is the disciplinarian, the one who calls the shots.

I went through a phase where I dressed a bit provocatively when I was a teenager and I don't think my mum was too thrilled. But my dad held the line of, 'Well she will grow out of it' and I did.

What I definitely don't like is people calling me or any of my siblings spoilt because we're not. We are privileged but my parents have never given us wads of cash or designer bags or shoes.

I can definitely see why having my parents has helped me get to where I want to go.

I am very proud of my parents.

Smoking-related heart disease runs in my family. My grandfather and great-grandfather died in their early 40s.

I want everyone to understand the importance of cervical screening and get one booked in if they are overdue.

Doing a show like 'Dancing On Ice,' if you are not a performer, it's a bizarre world to go into.

Aside from the whole Richard and Judy fame thing, I am incredibly lucky they're my mum and dad.

I don't want to offend or upset people.

I feel so happy and warm inside that I've made my parents proud.

I think in every family there are pros and cons to it.

If you are going to be ice skating for three or potentially six months you are probably going to get injured a lot.

The television presenting I have done has been quite sporadic, and it's normally only lasted a few weeks or months, so it would be really fun to get a gig that was a bit longer.

I'm accused of promoting eating disorders which makes me so angry.

I eat healthily but one day a week I have what I want.

I did drop out of uni, but I worked in PR for a while and then I worked as a runner on 'Loose Women,' 'The Alan Titchmarsh Show' and 'Hairy Bikers,' so I know how the industry works.

People think I just dropped out of university and went, 'Mum, Dad, get me a job in television.'

I definitely used to be a party girl.

There are a lot of myths about fat loss, and I wanted to explain how to do it properly, without obsessing over silly fads.

I grew up in television studios watching Mum and Dad do 'This Morning' and other stuff, and I'm just like lots of people, I'm following in their parents' footsteps.

I'm an absolute daddy's girl.

Inside, I really do care what people think about me and it can make me nervous and very anxious.