Toning' exercises are not a thing. Fat-burning exercises and muscle building exercises are.

How do I tone my bingo wings?' is one of the most commonly asked questions that strikes fear and dread into a personal trainer's heart.

It is extremely important to understand that a healthy diet is a lifestyle change in that it's not something you can just dip in and out of and expect results and or optimum health.

Your body can use clean foods for fuel, both for activity and its general health - so cleaning up your diet is definitely step 1 in changing your body.

Training before work, or during your lunch break, or before dinner really does become second nature after a while - and most people even end up enjoying it.

Truth be told, exercising is easy once you make it a habit.

If you are looking to get lean, protein and veg is going to get you there. Starchy carbs should be timed around workouts only. Portion control is pivotal to keep calories in check.

If you are looking to gain muscle, you should still eat clean and healthy. Protein and vegetables should still be your staples, but starchy carbs can also play a frequent role in your meals. You must also be in a calorie surplus.

Cardio should be added to a weightlifting programme to A, keep you fit and healthy and B, keep you somewhat lean.

Before I started training and eating properly, I was never bigger than a big size 10. I always liked my body, I was always body confident. But if you had given me the tools to change it, I absolutely would have. Why? Because it's fun.

Do not be fooled, your diet needs a daily dose of all kinds of fats if you want to be healthy.

My favourite restaurants serve long lists of pizza and pasta creations that I fantasise over almost daily.

I am a chocolate fiend.

I love what I do. I love training, I love eating healthy, and as anyone who follows me on social media will know by now, I love the results that come with both.

There are going to be birthdays, weddings, BBQs and work dos and you are entitled to have a few drinks, a slice of cake, a pepperoni pizza or an Easter egg every now and then.

Nobody can compare to my parents.

If I don't really have an outlet for my adrenaline it will then manifest in anxiety, and cortisol levels will rise and then you're in a spiral.

Twitter just made me feel really upset with the general population.

I was always quite anxious, but when I left uni and started to have serious relationships with men I became incredibly insecure about the fact that I was my parents' daughter.

My job is to constantly assess how I look.

It's no secret that my audience have always been interested in the fat loss side of what I do, but truth be told, I fell in love with training when I started weight lifting.

I won't tow the party line of doing 'girlie' yoga and cardio for physical transformations.

Sure, to an extent it's true that I probably would be just some random girl on Instagram if wasn't for my parents and I am fully aware of that.

I've lost so many deals from so many people because I will not stray from my beliefs.