On this team, we're all united in a common goal: to keep my job.

An individual voice can be heard in a choir that otherwise sings in unison. This is something that is not excused.

“In the midst of the apparent diversity of human affairs, a certain number of primary facts may be discovered, from which all others are derived.”

“In union, there is strength.”

“United you will be more than a match for your enemies. But if you quarrel and separate, your weakness will put you at the mercy of those who attack you.”

“United we stand; divided we fall.”

Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.

WE all have to play as a team to make the world a better place

"Our nation must come together to unite."

"The direction of life is from duality to unity."

"One player's selfish attitude can poison a locker room and make it hard, if not impossible, to establish team work"

"The best way to build team chemistry is the way Rupp used to substitute, when they fouled out."

"Basketball, more than any other sport, is a team game...about the thousands of small, unselfish acts, the sacrifices on the part of the players that result in team building."

"Play hard. Play smart. Play together."

"We know what unions have done for other people. We have seen it and we have studied and we have cherished the idea of unionism. We have seen the history and development of unions in this country and we tell the growers that we want nothing more, but that we want our own union and we are going to fight for it as long as it takes."

"If they had $2.00 for food, they had to give $1.00 to the union. Otherwise, they would never get out of the trap of poverty. They would never have a union because they couldn't afford to sacrifice a little bit more on top of their misery."

"...the workers aren't going to stop struggling. They're going to struggle to have a union and they have the right to have it. The police repression and the grower indifference to the workers' demands for recognition cannot go unheard so we're going to keep on struggling until we get that recognition."

"Without a union, the people are always cheated, and they are so innocent."

"The people united will never be defeated."

"Together with open conversations and greater understanding, we can ensure that attitudes for mental health change and children receive the support they deserve."

"I grew up in a small, strictly-Catholic fishing village on the coast of Wales. The people there have a different attitude to life than those in Hollywood - people stick together more."

"In the town there were two mutes, and they were always together."

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

"You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together."