"Food should not be too salty, too hot, too bitter, too sweet, too sour."

"For sacred thoughts and sacred deeds, sacred food is essential."

"Meat eating is also very bad. If you partake animal food, you will develop animal qualities. As is the food, so is the head. So you should have regulation of food. Then the fourth one is gambling. Those in the spiritual field should immediately give up smoking, drinking, meat eating and gambling. All these four are bad qualities."

"It is significant to note that those who live on vegetarian food are less prone to diseases, whereas non-vegetarians are subject to more diseases. Why? Because animal food is incompatible with the needs of the human body."

"Expand yourselves; do not contract into your own tiny individuality."

"Many great kings, emperors, saints and seers have left without taking anything. When you are born you don't bring anything with you. Render service in divine awareness."

"You are a part of His glory;"

"Pray to God and recite His Name or meditate on His Glory for some fixed period of time everyday; you will find it amply rewarding."

"You have come from God, you are a spark of His Glory; you are a wave of that Ocean of Bliss; you will get peace only when you again merge in Him."

"Be of service to others, for that is giving yourself to Me. For whatever you give, I will repay you thrice, Nay I shall repay you ten-fold. Try Me and you will see."

"Greed yields only sorrow; contentment is best."

"Service broadens your vision widens your awareness. Deepens your compassion."

"Doing one's duty, however small, in an unattached manner gives rise to the awakening of self-awareness."

"Charity does not mean that the land should be full of beggars. We can provide some support and means for the beggars, but provide food, clothing and other conveniences in such a way that you are not encouraging laziness and begging."

"A characterless man is like a pot with many holes, useless for carrying water or for storing it. Renounce and win Peace."

"When the magnet does not attract the needle, the fault lies in the dirt that covers up the needle."

"The present is a product of the past, but it is also the seed for the future."

"Krishna insisted on outer cleanliness and inner cleansing. Clean clothes and clean minds are an ideal combination."

"Be discriminating when dispensing charity. In the name of charity or philanthropy, we tend to do injustice to one's country."

"Ignorance is the most important cause of sorrow."

"Open the gates of wisdom, tear the veil of ignorance, enter the abode of Divine Bliss. Rest in peace forever."

"I am the slave of those who hunger and thirst after me and treat everything else as unimportant."

"Each one eats to assuage his own hunger; so too, each one must discover the best way to appease his own spiritual hunger. Do not be led away by the scorn of others, or by the recommendations of others."

"If a wave of service sweeps over the land, catching everyone in its enthusiasm, it will be able to wipe off the mounds of hatred, malice and greed that infest the World. Attune your hearts so that it will vibrate in sympathy with the woes and joys of your fellow-men. Fill the World with Love. Love will warn you against advising another to do something which you yourself are unwilling to do; your conscience will tell you that you are living in a lie!"