"Just as Western physicists announced the existence of gravitation after their experiments, the ancients of this land demonstrated the innate authenticity of the Vedas through their own experience."

"He sees through all the eyes, He eats through all mouths, Hears through every ear."

"No person is ever good for much, that hasn't been swept off their feet by enthusiasm between ages twenty and thirty."

"The essence of greatness is neglect of the self."

"We must create an understanding everywhere that when we say we need to rid the game of steroids, we mean it,"

"All words, then, belonging to the inner world of the mind, are of the imagination, are originally poetic words."

"Who can give a man this, his own name?"

"There are thousands willing to do great things for one willing to do a small thing."

"The man who grounds his action on another's cowardice, is essentially a coward himself."

"If man could do what in his wildest self-worship he can imagine, the grand result would be that he would be his own God, which is the Hell of Hells."

"Sorrow herself will reveal one day that she was only the beneficent shadow of Joy. Will Evil ever show herself the beneficent shadow of Good?"

"Yes,' he answered; 'and you will be dead, so long as you refuse to die."

"Never, my little one, hide anything from those that love you. Never let anything that makes itself a nest in your heart, grow into a secret, for then at once it will begin to eat a hole in it."

"Seeing is not believing—it is only seeing."

"The man that feareth, Lord, to doubt, In that fear doubteth thee."

"...he believed in God and he believed that when the human is still, the Divine speaks to it, because it is its own."

"She was a mother. One who is mother only to her own children is not a mother; she is only a woman who has borne children. But here was one of God's mothers."

"Theologians have done more to hide the Gospel of Christ than any of its adversaries."

"Trust is born in love, and our need is to love God, not apprehend facts concerning him."

"How kind is weariness sometimes! It is like the Father's hand laid a little heavy on the heart to make it still."

"People must believe what they can, and those who believe more must not be hard upon those who believe less."

"No one can say he is himself, until first he knows that he is, and then what himself is. In fact, nobody is himself, and himself is nobody."

"The nearer persons come to each other, the greater is the room and the more are the occasions for courtesy; but just in proportion to their approach the gentleness of most men diminishes."

"Life eternal, this lady of thine hath a sore heart, and we cannot help her. Thou art help, O Mighty Love. Speak to her, and let her know thy will, and give her strength to do it, O Father of Jesus Christ, Amen."