"Oneness of the Divine. It may be given a thousand names such as The Primary Cause / God / Energy / I. All that is created has its Self this Oneness."

"Campaign against the temptations of the senses; Conquer inner foes; Triumph over your ego."

"‘Willing’ is superfluous for Me. For grace is ever available to devotees who have steady love and faith. Since I move freely with them, talking and singing, even intellectuals are unable to grasp My Truth,  My power, My glory or My real task as Avatar."

"Then, who really is this I? Fire burns and also brightens. It burns things by heat and brightens them by the light it sheds. Fire is different from the things it acts upon."

"I shall be with you, wherever you are, guarding you and guiding you. March on, have no fear."

"The body has to be utilized for service to others. More bliss can be got from serving others than from merely serving oneself."

"The value of righteousness is expressed through the body. This is related to the physical sheath. Peace can be experienced only in the mental plane."

"BECAUSE you have taken residence in this body, you cannot call the body I . When you sit here in this Hall, you do not call the Hall I . You know, you are separate and that you are here only temporarily."

"The eye sees the physical body, other individuals, even insects, worms and things. It sees everything that is within its range. The body too is a thing that the eye sees, along with the rest. So, how can we conclude that the body is the I?"

"This body is just my house. My guru has long ago taken me away from it."

"Body is like a flashlight, Eye is like the bulb  "

"Eating meat and drinking liquor are demonic vices. Those indulging in drink lose all sense of propriety, have no compassion or love and become demons."

"All levels of consciousness have to be purified and then directed to holy tasks."

"So today we have to develop compassion."

"When Love animates actions, it results in Right Action."

"Old age is the fourth stage. By the time one reaches this stage of his journey, he must have discovered that the joys available in this world are trivial and fleeting. He must be equipped with the higher knowledge of spiritual joy, available through delving into the inner spring of Bliss. Through his experiences, his heart must have softened and be filled with compassion. He has to be engrossed in promoting the progress of all beings without distinction. And he must be eager to share with others the knowledge he has accumulated and the benefit of his experiences."

"No attention is paid to the blame or praise that others may give. It does not seek the admiration or the appreciation of the listeners. "

"Dogs may bark and jackals howl; but Truth moves Majestically forward."

"No matter where you go, always do your duty as you see it and know that I will be there inside you guiding you every step of the way...There is no need to worry about anything. Whatever is experienced, whatever happens, know that this Avatar willed it so. There is no force on earth which can delay for an instant the mission for which this Avatar has come. You are all sacred souls and you will have your parts to play in the unfolding drama of the new Golden Age, which is coming."

"What is our duty? To behave properly. That is enough."

"Your duty is to pray for the welfare of the world and to work for it as far as it lies in your power."

"When the coaches receives from you such treatment, how much worse treatment you deserve for not fulfilling your duty and for disappointing the expectations that you have raised by your being a man?"

"Service is your only duty."

"But the fact is, no one knew the existence of this universal force, though it was there along with the Earth! The force was operating even when man was unaware of it."