“It's time to leave. There is so much out there to do and say and listen to. I can go on the road, because I can come home. I come home, because I am free to leave.” 

“In the same way that individual women are often underestimated, a movement of women is also understimated, but the truth is that, if people realize someone is willing to talk about these deep and daily concerns, they show up.” 

“As feminism has changed academia by enlarging what is taught, academia has sometimes changed feminism.” 

“As Robin Morgan wrote so wisely, "Hate generalizes, love specifies". Thats what makes going on the road so important. It definitely specifies.” 

“Women may be the one group that grows more radical with age.” 

“Only after I saw women who were attracted to distant, condescending, even violent men did I begin to understand that having a distant, condescending, even violent father could make those qualities seem inevitable, even feel like home. Because of my father, only kindness felt like home.” 

“Just pause, let the audience absorb the hostility, then say, ‘I didn’t pay him to say that.’ ” 

“Despite all their faults, campaigns are based on the fact that every vote counts, and therefore every person counts. As freestanding societies, they are more open than academia, more idealistic than corporations, more unifying than religions, and more accessible than government itself.” 

“the clearest view is always from the bottom. Kennedy” 

“I took a part-time editing job to pay the rent. It was work I could do at home, but when suddenly I was expected to spend two days a week in the office, I quit, bought an ice cream cone, and walked the sunny streets of Manhattan.” 

“she seemed both proud and scared that I was where she had once wished to be.” 

“She didn’t put her finger to the wind; she became the wind.” 

“PLANNING AHEAD IS A measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for future generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days.” 

“As always, self-esteem had created an ability to be generous.” 

“It was the first time I witnessed the ancient and modern magic of groups in which anyone may speak in turn, everyone must listen, and consensus is more important than time.” 

“Then, as if in answer to a riddle posed years before, you will realize that this growth came from seeds you planted or watered or carried from place to place—and you’ll be rewarded in the way that we as communal beings need most: you’ll know you made a difference.” 

“people in the same room understand and empathize with each other in a way that isn’t possible on the page or screen.” 

“Suddenly, it seems ridiculous that we just came from a city airport named for Columbus, a terrible navigator who insisted to his dying day that he was in India—which is why people here are called Indians. As the Native women in Houston said, “It could have been worse—he could have thought he was in Turkey.” 

“As with all inferior things, this part of the city was given an adjective while the rest stole the noun.” 

“we have to behave as if everything we do matters. Because it might.” 

“Surrealism is the triumph of form over content.” 

“Wherever I go, bookstores are still the closest thing to a town square.” 

“I can go on the road - because I can come home. I come home - because I'm free to leave. Each way of being is more valued in the presence of the other.”