“Having someone who looks like us but thinks like them is worse than having no one at all.” 

“A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space.” 

“Laughter is a rescue. p.204” 

“Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person.” 

“Empathy is the most radical of human emotions.” 

“You're always the person you were when you were born," she says impatiently. "You just keep finding new ways to express it.” 

“Writing is the only thing that when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else.” 

“so whatever you want to do, just do it...Making a damn fool of yourself is absolutely essential.” 

“We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.” 

“Once we give up searching for approval we often find it easier to earn respect.” 

I was always drawn to the didgeridoo.

It's always great to visit Taranaki; it's beautiful, and I've caught some great waves there.

Do what you will while you're able, find what it is that you seek.

Follow, follow the sun, and which way the wind blows, when this day is done. Breathe, breathe in the air. Set your intentions. Dream with care.

I think that everybody likes the bad guy.

I'm not very excitable as a person. What I say is, I'm always chillin', I'm always chillin'.

I did not sit down and watch 'Baywatch' growing up. But I do specifically remember it coming on, and I remember it going off. I watched something that came on right before and then going back to that channel to watch what was coming on afterwards.

You cannot be in your offices every day doing nothing... and at the end of the day you expect to be paid.

“When your neighbour's house is on fire, you should help with a bucket of water.”

“Allowing homosexuality means allowing satanic rights.” “As far as I am concerned, LGBT can only stand for leprosy, gonorrhea, bacteria, and tuberculosis, all of which are detrimental to human existence.”

“Allowing homosexuality means allowing satanic rights.”

“Every Westerner is jubilating that the Berlin Wall has fallen. Something worst than the Berlin Wall is in Palestine; and nobody is talking about it.”

“The missile that downed the Malaysian plane, they say, is a Russian-made missile. But the weapons that are used in the barbarism in the barbaric act against the Palestinians were made by the West, and nobody is blaming them. Nobody talks about it; not even the U.N. Security Council can pass a resolution against Israel!”

“My fate is in the hands of almighty Allah. I will deliver to the Gambian people and if I have to rule this country for one billion years, I will, if Allah says so.”