I get kids from all different cultures and nationalities coming up to me now, all wanting to be F1 drivers. They feel the sport is open to everyone.

I listen to music before every race. Generally, there will be a song I'll get into over the weekend, and I play it all weekend, particularly when I'm getting ready for a race.

There are times when you are growing through experiences, but sometimes there is a point of diminishing returns in terms of growth.

I don't think you can fully call yourself a vegan if you wear leathers.

I hate losing. It doesn't matter if it's racing or playing Ping-Pong - I hate it.

It's a pretty cool feeling to be the person to knock down a barrier - just like the Williams sisters did in tennis or Tiger Woods in golf.

Every lap is different.

I'm definitely conscious of time. I already waste so much of it, just on a flight. I look back to when I was 13, and I wish I had stuck with my piano studies.

I'm an extremist so I'm either hated or loved. I think it's down to when I first got to Formula One not always knowing what I was saying, saying things that mean one thing but people were taking the other way and then people don't forget.

My immediate family are from the West Indies - from Trinidad and Grenada - and I have relatives all over the Caribbean.

Lots of other drivers like cycling, but I'm not so keen. I have some really cool bikes, but I'm just not in love with it like Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso.

It is open for anyone to have freedom of speech, and I guess we can all play a role in trying to make a difference in the world. Particularly if your leader is not helping in that area.

When I was younger, all of my family's money went into racing. We were never a stylish family. We never went shopping, because all the money went into buying tires and fuel and all of that.

Number one is a great thing, and I'll always know that I'm number one, but 44 is my favourite number, so I want to keep it on the car.

My job is to get into the car and drive as fast and as well as possible.

People need to remember that I am the first black driver in F1, so I am obviously going to be different to past drivers.

I enjoy trying to develop a car and Mercedes are one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world.

I don't believe I have a playboy life.

Ayrton Senna was an incredible legend who will be remembered and admired forever.

I've accomplished more than I ever dreamed. But I'm hungry for more.

You just need to be accepted for who you are and be proud of who you are and that is what I'm trying to do.

Every person I have met who has gone vegan says it is the best decision they have ever made.

On my back, I have the cross and angel wings: rise above it, no matter what life throws at you. And also, you know, Jesus rose from the grave.

Everyone has complicated lives, but the more you can simplify it and make it work for you, the better it is going to be.