We have to be extremely fit to race in F1.

When I was a kid, I used to play a game called 'Grand Prix Two.' Interlagos was always the first race of the season on that, and I never really got much past the second race. I would always restart the season, so I always seemed to be doing Interlagos - it was a real pain!

If I'd won every single race and got pole everywhere, that would just be boring. It would suck. Where's the fun in that?

A couple of my mechanics have become vegan because I've done it. One of my barbers, too.

People might not know, but F1 drivers have new helmets made throughout the season. Usually, the design is the same, but I like to do something special for Monaco.

I am a motorbike fanatic - always have been. It's actually what I wanted to do before I got into motor racing.

Racing is very physical.

I don't like to read fiction. I like to learn something when I'm reading.

The Hamilton name will live on way beyond me now, which I'm very happy to be a part of.

Equalising performance between teams runs completely counter to the idea of F1 and would be very unfair for us.

If Ferrari wanted me, they would have approached me. I want to work with people who want me. If they don't want me, it is no problem.

There have been some ups and downs. I've not always had it my own way. That's the way racing is supposed to be.

All in all, racing with lift and coast is actually harder.

Sometimes it takes time to find people in the sport who share the same opinions and approach to racing as me.

I really like to play to squash, because it's competitive, and I like basketball. I'm friends with a guy in L.A. called Andrew Bynum, who used to play for the L.A. Lakers NBA team. We play together sometimes.

People say I have an aggressive style, and sometimes I don't think that is all just me. I think it's partly because I watched Senna when I was young, and I thought, 'This is how I want to drive when I get the opportunity.'

I like wearing things that other people wouldn't want to wear, to be a bit edgy.

I certainly lead a different life from many people. I have a great life that I am thankful for, and I like travelling.

I love it in the States. The roads are big, the food is big. If it was possible to be in L.A. and still live my racing life, I would move now.

I would love to one day have my own line of clothes.

I have the best job in the world.

F1 is about the best drivers competing against each other for the best teams producing the best cars they can.

It takes me forever to read a book. I have such a small attention span.

I'm no less focused than any of my peers. They live a different life. They go home; they are not pictured at events. I train just as much as them, maybe more.