I don't think there's any point going for second or third.

Of course it would be nice for everybody and myself if we could win but we can still have a personal or a team win if we achieve a target that is effectively a win for us.

I'm an all-or-nothing kind of guy, I guess.

I probably work harder, putting in a lot of time and effort, than a lot of drivers because all I think about, and all I do, is to do with racing, trying to make myself a better driver.

Confidence is always a good thing to have going into the weekend. Especially where it's quite difficult to put the lap together.

I am absolutely my own biggest critic.

Even though I had won in other categories, I didn't have any expectations when I came into F1. Qualifying fifth, finishing sixth? I didn't expect it.

I can't remember what made my dad take us karting for the first time, I can't remember really. I was into motorsport by then and I knew everything, and every driver, it was around 2009, 2008. That's when I first properly knew about Formula One. Those were the days.

I will be unhappy if I know I have not accomplished something I should have done that was possible.

Well, it's looks like I've a love-hate thing going on with Monaco.

I think Weetabix and full-fat milk is what it is all about.

I'm a fighter, I'm a winner, and I'm not interested in just battling my team-mate for the back of the grid.

I never enjoyed school and I was never that good at school so leaving wasn't the biggest thing, but the social aspect of school, leaving your friends, you lose contact with them a bit and now I have more friends at the race track than the friends I keep in touch with at school.

I've been to Foxboro, I've been to Gillette Stadium and I've spent some time with the players as well as some of the fans out there.

The more bodies you have out there, the more affiliations - ultimately the stronger your race team is going to be.

Sometimes people aren't happy with the way life treats them. That's their problem.

I'm a guy that loves to win. There's nothing else to me but the feeling of winning.

I have taken restarts and have come to the conclusion myself that I can't give NASCAR that opportunity to penalize me.

There's always going to be a last-place guy.

I'm not in people's minds. If you're mad at me, you'll have to tell me.

Our dad is not one to impart advice or gloat or reminisce about the good old days. But he's a race car guy, been a car guy forever, and he always wants to talk about cars.

I'll pretty much eat anything. Tacos, chicken, vegetables, whatever, I will eat it.

There's definitely guys out there that you don't like, and they'll try to crash you anytime they can't get around you.

Do I feel as though I could be one of the greatest of all time, like if it's top five that you're talking about? I would say yes. But never the No. 1.