Obviously, you have to have some luck on your side to be successful.

Even though Richmond is a three-quarter mile, it's a fast short track... So it gives you - maybe you could call it a false of security a little bit, but it seems to be working for me.

You know, I wish I had more time in the week.

Certainly, different people show their emotions in different ways. Unfortunately for me, mine has never been very gracious and I don't know that it ever will be.

You know, I am who I am.

I like running my Super Late Models here and there and there are times when you go to those events and they are for $2,000 or $3,000 to win. There's no money involved in that; you're basically spending your money to go racing in those things but it's so enjoyable. For me, it's kind of like a golf game.

I guess people don't like me for getting as upset as I am sometimes when I lose, but that's me.

On a par 5, I can shoot a six. And on a par 3, I can shoot a six, too!

I want to be known as trying to be one of the best of the best - whether I get there or not, it's up to opinion.

I would say I'm too guilty of dwelling on things too long.

I remember most all of my devoted fans, the ones who have been fans for a long time.

We put fate in other people's hands there at Talladega. You have 42 other racers and sometimes it doesn't work out for you.

You can be as good as you can be behind the wheel physically, but you've also got to be there mentally.

You've got to be able to take the highs and the lows, and certainly I am not very good at taking the lows. I'll be the first to admit it. But when the highs come your way you've got to treasure them because you never know how many more you'll get.

For as much as I tend to run my mouth sometimes, I would have definitely stacked up better in the 1970s or the 1980s when there wasn't as much media or there wasn't as much publicity and sponsorship around the sport that you had to be PC for.

You don't really get it from NASCAR that they want you to be the bad guy or the good guy. They'll kind of joke around with you and be like, 'Hey, that was really good this past weekend. You did a great job for us. Ratings were up.'

I think if you're a race car driver you want to succeed and be the best in your realm of racing.

I've never been very good at slowing down.

I might be confident in what I do, and sometimes you can be cocky and confident because you know what your abilities are and you know what your car is going to give you.

Throughout your career, whether you're getting into the sport or have been it in for a number of years like me, there will always be obstacles. The important thing is how you deal with those obstacles and come back from any disappointment or setback, no matter how big or small.

My fans are great and amazing, but there's no way all of my fans are going to be able to fill up Bristol Motor Speedway.

Once you get on to the racetrack on Sunday and you strap your helmet on and you come down especially toward the end of the race, it's every man for himself. It's me against the world. It's me against everybody else. Sometimes you're against your critics, as well, too.

As far as fan perception, it's probably worse than it should be. I think it's getting better, but I think I still get perceived based on the things I did earlier in my career.

I don't know that many guys have ever been able to accomplish being able to win at every single active track that they've made starts at, and I look forward to trying to complete that feat.